Hotel Chain Offers Guests “Instagram Sitters” That Post on Their Accounts While They Relax

“Relax We Post” is a new service offered by Swiss hotel chain Ibis Hotels to guests who want to take a break from social media and enjoy their holiday, but still keep their accounts updated. All they need to do is share their Instagram login details with the hotel’s “Instagram sitters” who will post photos and stories on their behalf and even reply to comments.

Instead of focusing all their attention on taking cool photos to post on Instagram, social media addicts staying at one of the 17 Ibis hotels in Zurich and Geneva will be able to enjoy their vacation while Instagram sitters do all their work for them. For the Relax We Post service, the Swiss hotel chain teamed up with  with over 10 well-known influencers, including Anna Maradan, Cristina Gheiceanu, Pascal Erband and Elay Leuthold, who will login into guests’ Instagram accounts and post high-quality photos, cool Stories as well as reply to comments.

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7-Year-Old Boy Sleeps, Bathes and Plays with Deadly Snakes

Devesh Adivasi, a 7-year-old boy from rural Madhya Pradesh, in central India, has some very unusual best friends. For the past four years, he has been going into the jungle near his village and coming back with all kinds of snakes, some of them poisonous, that he plays, bathes and eats with. So far, he hasn’t been bitten once.

The boy’s family says that his fascination with snakes started when he was 3 years old, after dreaming about the slithering reptiles one night. Next morning, he told his parents about it, but they didn’t think much of it until they saw him running into the jungle near their village and later coming out with two snakes in hand. The reptiles slithered all over his body, but they didn’t bite him. Since that day, Devesh has been going into the jungle almost every day and bringing back new friends to play with. He keeps them for a few days, bathes and sleeps with them, massages them with oil and then releases them back into the jungle.

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Man’s Presumed Brain Tumor Miraculously Disappears a Day Before Scheduled Surgery

A California man’s unexpected recovery has left doctor’s baffled. A day before his scheduled surgery to have a presumed brain tumor removed, a final head CT exam showed that the mass in his brain had miraculously disappeared.

Paul Wood, a resident of Lodi, in California, started complaining of excruciating headaches and dizziness several months ago, and received several serious diagnoses from doctors. A neurosurgeon at UC San Francisco told him that he had a brain bleeding, while a radiologist told him that his CAT scans showed a brain tumor. Both required risky brain surgery, but a day before the scheduled intervention to have the suspected tumor removed, a fresh CT scan revealed no sign of anything unusual in his brain. Doctors couldn’t, and still cannot explain what happened, but Wood is convinced that it’s nothing short of a miracle from God.

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Pizza Place Will Pay You $560 If You Can Finish Their Biggest Pie in One Sitting

Pinhead’s Pizza, a popular pizza place in Dublin, Ireland, is offering fans of the Italian delicacy the chance to fill their bellies and their pockets at the same time. Anyone who can finish their 32-inch pizza and down two milkshakes in under 32 minutes is guaranteed a prize of 500 euros.

When Anthony Kelly, the owner of Pinhead’s Pizza, put the 32-inch pie on the menu of his restaurant in 2015, it didn’t really have a name and was simply called “Ireland’s largest pizza. Since then, he settled on a proper name for it – The Notorious Pizza – a fitting one considering that no one has been able to finish one, although many have tried. In the beginning, Kelly offered challengers a voucher for 50 euros plus the pizza for free if they managed to finish the whole thing and wash it down with two milkshakes in under 32 minutes. Since then, he has become so confident that his challenge is unbeatable that he is offering a 500 euros prize to anyone who beats it.

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Woman Claims That Possessed Doll Attacked Her Boyfriend Because It Was Jealous

A Peruvian woman claims that her possessed doll frightened her boyfriend into leaving her after it attacked him out of jealousy.

Berliz, a young woman from Callao, Peru, told reporters that Deisy, a doll she received from her mother as a Christmas gift when she was younger, has been exhibiting Poltergeist-like behavior, including moving its head and limbs, and even attacking people she doesn’t like. The doll’s latest victim was Berliz’s boyfriend, who broke off their relationship after Deisy “grabbed and hit him” while he was sleeping.

According to Berliz, the possessed doll moves by itself, knocks things down around the house and appears to be the source of several phenomena that cannot be explained. The woman says that Deisy appears to be very jealous and acts out whenever someone gets close to its owner. For example, she recalled a bizarre occurrence from when she was 18-years-old. Her father hugged her and then the lights suddenly went out. When they went back on, her face was full of cuts.

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Dutch Man Sues to Legally Change His Age from 69 to 49

A 69-year-old Dutch man who claims to feel much younger than his actual age has gone to court to make himself legally 20 years younger.

Emile Ratelband, a media personality and self-described “positivity guru”, recently told a court in Arnhem, Holland, that he did not feel comfortable with his true age and compared his desire to have it legally changed with that of people who identify as transgender. Ratelband said that he would gladly renounce his pension to ensure that there were no unforeseen consequences, and tried to convince the judges that slashing two decades from his real age would have a hugely positive impact on all aspects of his life.

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Chinese Company Comes Under Fire for Making Employees Eat Cockroaches

Three managers of a home improvement firm in Zunyi, China, were recently arrested for subjecting employees to extreme punishment, including forcing them to eat cockroaches, for not meeting their sales goals.

The arrests came after an employee of the unnamed company took to social media to complain about the humiliating punishments he and his colleagues were being subjected to by management for failing to meat their goals. His post included a video of a topless man standing in a center of a room and being whipped with a belt by his boss, while his workmates watched. Footage also shows people drinking cups of yellow liquid which some have alleged is urine. The video was later deleted, but screenshots started circulating online, and the police were notified about the troubling punishments.

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12-Year-Old Boy Finds Instagram Success by Posing as a Girl

A 12-year-old boy from Thailand has managed to reach celebrity status and make enough money to build his family a new house by showing off his makeup and cross-dressing skills on Instagram.

Nes (@nes_tyyy), a boy from Thailand’s Phang-Nga province, reportedly started playing with his mother’s makeup at a very young age, but instead of discouraging him, his parents not only supported his hobby, but also started giving him tips. Today, the 12-year-old boy has over 280,000 fans on Instagram alone and is able to support his family by posting makeup tutorials and photos of himself cross-dressing as a girl on the popular photo sharing platform. He recently made news headlines all over Asia after posting a photo of the new house he managed to build for his parents.

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Russian Man Shares One-Room Apartment with Full-Grown Pet Wolf

A Russian man has become so attached to a wolf that he adopted as a small pup that when he had to leave his old home and move into an apartment in the big city of Volgograd, he took the wolf with him.

Ivan L. and his daughter have been sharing their home with Gray, a full grown wild wolf, for several years now. It was easier when they lived in Astrakhan, but things got considerably more complicated when they had to move into a one-room apartment on the first floor of a nine-story building in Volgograd. Still, despite facing many challenges, they managed to make it work, and Ivan says he couldn’t imagine his life without his beloved pet.

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Man Comes Home Two Months After DNA Test Showed That He Was Dead

Aigali Supugaliev, a 63-year-old man from Kazakhstan, almost gave his relatives a heart attack when he returned home two months after they had buried his body. And while stories of people showing up after being presumed dead by their families have made news headlines before, Aigali’s one is particularly bizarre because his death had been confirmed by a DNA test.

It all started on July 9, when Aigali Supugaliev’s relatives reported him missing from his village of Tomarly, in Kazakhstan. They had no idea that the unmarried man had been offered a four-month job on a distant farm, as he had not bothered to inform them about it, so when a decomposed body was discovered near his house, everyone feared the worse. The corpse was reportedly in such a bad state that Aigali’s family couldn’t identify it by physical traits, so a DNA test was commissioned. Believe it or not, the test showed that there was a 99.29% probability (the highest this kind of test can give) that the discovered body was that of Supugaliev, so an official death certificate was issued, and the man’s brother organized a funeral.

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Football Teams in Spain Are Installing TV-Urinals in Their Stadium Bathrooms, But Not for the Obvious Reason

Real Madrid, one of the world’s most popular football clubs is currently testing TV urinals in the men’s bathrooms of their stadium, Sandiago Bernabeu, and it’s not the only one.

One would think that the management of the Spanish club is trying to make it easy for fans to follow the action on the field even when going to the bathroom, but according to several news reports, the screens installed in the urinals have nothing to do with football and everything to do with generating revenue. Apparently, the footage played on these screens will focus mainly on advertising, instead of showing the live game on the pitch, and there’s a good reason for that – it’s much more profitable.

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Woman Spends 5 Days Stuck in Her Bathtub

A Michigan woman spent five days stuck in her own bathtub after becoming unable to reach the handrail she normally used to pull herself out. She was rescued thanks to a vigilant postman who noticed that she wasn’t picking up her mail as usual.

54-year-old Alison Gibson became a prisoner in her own bathroom on October 15. She lied down in her bathtub as she normally did, but after finishing her bath, the woman found herself unable to reach the metal handrail she used to pull herself back up. She apparently had her back turned to it and there was no way for to grab a hold of it, so she was basically stuck there. To make matters worse, she had left her phone in another room, so she couldn’t call anyone for help.

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Japanese Labor Day Event Lets People Experience What It’s Like to Work for Horrible Bosses

Japan has a culture of long working hours, but even in this generally tough and stressful working environment some companies stand out because of the complete disregard for their employees’ well-being. They are known as “black companies” and anyone who has ever wanted to experience what working for such organizations is like, without actually getting a job at one, can find out by applying for a special event called “The Black Holiday”.

It’s hard to imagine anyone ever wanting to experience what it’s like for a ‘black company’ is like, but especially so on Friday, November 23, when Japan celebrates Labor Thanksgiving Day. It’s a national holiday and a rare opportunity to enjoy a long weekend free of work-related stress. But I guess that’s exactly why the organizers of The Black Holiday chose this date for their special event. What better way to emphasize just how bad working for a black company can be then having you do it on your day off, right?

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“Terminator” Dog Escapes Its Enclosure, Kills Over 600 Chickens in One Night

A pet husky recently got his owner in trouble after escaping its enclosure, going into a neighboring farm and spending an entire night killing chickens.

Chinese media reports that the owner of a chicken farm in Ningguo, China’s Anhui province, burst into tears on the morning of October 29, after going to check on the birds and finding the coop littered with lifeless bodies. The first thoughts that went through his mind were that someone had killed most of his chickens out of spite, or that some wild animal had made its way inside and decimated the birds. But after checking around his farm for clues, the man actually found the perpetrator – his neighbor’s husky dog with a dead chicken in its mouth.

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Russian Scientist Allegedly Stabs Colleague Who Kept Revealing the Endings of Books He Was Reading

A Russian scientist working at the Bellingshausen research station on King George Island, in Antarctica, was charged with attempted murder after he stabbed a fellow colleague with a kitchen knife for allegedly revealing the endings of books that he was reading.

55-year-old Sergey Savitsky and Oleg Beloguzov, 52, had been working together at Russia’s remote Bellingshausen for four years and they were both known to their colleagues as professionals. However, on October 9th, Savitsky reportedly took a kitchen knife and plunged it into Beloguzov’s chest, in what has been referred to as the first known attempted murder in Antarctica, ever. It will probably go down in history as one of the strangest as well, as investigators recently revealed that a possible explanation for the crime could be the spoiling of book endings.

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