Australian Psychic Claims That She Can Smell Imminent Death on People

Ari Kala, a 24-year-old psychic from New South Wales, Australia, claims to have a very unusual clairvoyant  gift – she can tell if people are about to die just by taking a whiff of them.

The self-described ‘psychic coach’ apparently discovered her unique talent when she was just 12 years old, while visiting her terminally-ill uncle. She recalls picking up an odd smell in his house the night before he died and thinking it was his remains. However nobody else could smell it, and Kala says that the “odd, sickly sweet rotten kind of smell” turned out to be that of imminent death, which she would detect countless times throughout her life, especially among people with terminal diseases and the elderly.

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Doctor Sues Patient for $1 Million Over 1-Star Online Reviews

A New York woman who posted some not so favorable online reviews of a Manhattan gynecologist she visited last year has been forced to spend close to $20,000 to defend herself in a $1 million defamation suit filed by the doctor.

When Michelle Levine decided to share her negative experience regarding an annual checkup performed by Dr. Joon Song of New York Robotic Gynecology & Women’s Health, she never imagine that she would end up spending tens of thousands of dollars defending herself in court. The woman claims that she was just expressing her opinion about the service she received and trying to help others by sharing her negative experience so they wouldn’t go through the same thing. Dr. Song’s lawyers have a different view, though – they consider the reviews defamation, and are seeking $1 million from Levine.

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Young Confectioner Makes the Most Amazing Cakes

At just 31 years of age, Elena Gnut, Pastry Chef from Kaliningrad, Russia, is already recognized as one of the world’s most talented cake artists. And looking at her impressive portfolio, it’s easy to see why.

Elena Gnut’s cakes look more like artistic sculptures than treats meant to be eaten. Browsing through her popular Instagram, you often feel like you’ve found the most amazing cake you’ve ever seen, but then you scroll further down and find even more impressive ones. Whether she’s molding the frosting into whimsical shapes or using edible dyes to paint incredible scenes or portraits, the young confectioner is always coming up with new and intriguing ideas that keep her Instagram fans coming back for more.

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Christians Flock to Virgin Mary Statue Crying Rose-Scented Tears

Thousands of Christians from the state of New Mexico and beyond have been flocking to the city of Hobbs to witness what many are considering a real-life miracle – a statue of the Virgin Mary crying tears that allegedly smell like roses.

Churchgoers at Our Lady of Guadalupe Church, in Hobbs, first noticed the scented tears coming out of the statue’s eyes last Sunday, during Mass. Father Jose ‘Pepe’ Segura said that a parishioner informed him about the bizarre phenomenon, and he himself had people wipe the statue’s face clean, only to see the tears flowing down the Virgin Mary’s face again.

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Japanese “UFO Boy” Can Allegedly Contact UFOs Telepathically

Japanese social media was abuzz this weekend with news of a 13-year-old boy who can allegedly contact UFOs telepathically. The photos of unidentified flying objects that he took last year have attracted a lot of attention from other UFO enthusiasts.

13-year-old Haruya Ido is being referred to as “UFO BOy” by Japanese media, for his alleged ability to attract unidentified flying objects. Toshitaro Yamaguchi, a known paranormal researcher and the man who first shared Haruya’s photos with the world, has described the boy as a classic UFO contactee with the ability to contact UFOs via telepathy.

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BloxVox – A Bane-Like Mask That Muffles Speech for Private Phone Calls

Having to take a private call in a crowded workplace can be pretty awkward, but thanks to BolxVox, a special mask-like device that muffles speech, you can now talk as loud as you want without worrying about others hearing your conversation.

BloxVox is the brainchild of Greg Umhoefer, a financial technology expert who dedicated the last few years of his life to solving his “favorite” office problem – phone call privacy. Having worked in offices all over the world, Umhoefer constantly experienced this problem first-hand. Whenever he had to make or take a private phone call, he had to get up from his desk, find a quiet place, and often take his laptop and other peripherals with him. He describes the situation as inefficient and “frankly ridiculous”, so after researching the issue and learning that it was common in offices around the globe, he decided to find a practical solution.

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Cockroach Milk Could One Day Become the Ultimate Superfood

Consuming a fluid secreted by cockroaches may not be everyone’s idea of a balanced meal, but scientists believe that the “cockroach milk” produced by a certain species of cockroaches is one of the most nutritious substances on the planet, and could one day become the ultimate superfood.

Unlike most other insects, the Pacific beetle cockroach is viviparous, meaning the female give birth live babies that have developed within their body, instead of laying eggs. But a few years ago, while studying these fascinating insects, scientists discovered something even more remarkable – as the embryos grow inside the female cockroach’s body, she feeds them a pale, yellow liquid “milk” from her brood sack. Research has shown that this “cockroach milk” has three times the energy content of buffalo milk, making it one of the most nutritious substances on Earth.

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Man Refuses to Give Up His Louis Vuitton Bag at Gunpoint

Faced with a choice between their life and their valuables, most people would choose the former in a heartbeat, but one Michigan man showed that he would rather die than part with his beloved designer bag.

On Monday, May 21, Jerad Kluting was out for a walk in Michigan’s Holland Township when a masked robber came out of nowhere, pulled out a gun from his waistband and demanded that he hand over his bag. But this was no ordinary bag. It was a $1,700 Louis Vuitton that Kluting had fallen in love with the moment he saw it. He had saved up the money to buy it for a long time, and he wasn’t going to just give it up to a stranger, even if his life was on the line.

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Chinese County Shames Debtors by Showing Their Faces During Cinema Screenings

Authorities in Hejiang county, China’s Sichuan province, have come up with a controversial method of convincing borrowers to pay up their debts – showing their faces and names during short clips played in cinemas before the main movie starts.

Called “Reel of Shame”, the clip features an animated character who tells the audience “Come look at these laolai” before showing the borrowers’ faces, names and other details on the big screen. The derogatory term ‘laolai’ refers to borrowers who fail to pay their debts on time. To maximize the technique’s effectiveness, authorities show the borrowers’ faces in cinemas in their local area.

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Mother Renames Her Son After Tattoo Artist Misspells His Original Name On Her Arm

A Swedish mother of two whose tattoo artist misspelled her son’s name decided that it was easier and a lot less painful to legally change the boy’s name rather than go through several painful laser removal sessions.

30-year-old Johanna Giselhäll Sandström, from Kyrkhult, Sweden, wanted to show her devotion to her two children, Nova and Kevin, by having their names tattooed on her arm. She visited a local tattoo shop, told one of the tattooists there what she wanted and gave him her children’s name. He never asked anything about the spelling and instead just went to work on her arm. The woman didn’t notice anything strange about the tattoo at first, but when she got home and had a closer look at it, her heart sank. Instead of ‘Kevin’ the artist had misspelled it ‘Kelvin’.

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The Curious Case of a Woman Who Laughs Uncontrollably When She Sees Other People Being Tickled

It’s perfectly normal for someone to laugh uncontrollably when tickled, although some of us are more ticklish than others, but researchers at the University of California, San Diego, recently reported the unusual case of a woman who would burst into laughter when seeing other people being tickled.

Referred to only as TC, the woman was apparently seeking help for her bizarre condition – whenever she saw someone getting tickled, she could feel the sensation on her own skin and would start to laugh uncontrollably as if she was the one getting tickled. Researchers conducted a series of experiments to explore the bizarre phenomenon further and concluded that the woman suffered from a rare condition known as mirror-touch synaesthesia. It is believed to be caused by mirror neurons, connectors in the brain that react the same way when an event is experienced or when it’s simply observed.

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Women Pay Over $1,000 for Nine Bottles of “Holy Water” That Could Cure Their Bad Luck

Two Singaporean women recently contacted police after being conned out of $S1,450 ($1,080) by a man who sold them nine small bottles of “holy water” which he claimed could cure their bad luck and solve all their problems.

We’ve all heard of cunning snake oil salesmen using their power of persuasion to sell fake cures to gullible people, but it takes a special kind of talent to sell a small quantity of water for a small fortune. Well, either that or you need to find potential customers naive enough to fall for your lies. In retrospect, 30-year-old Ms. Yang, from Singapore, admits that she and her sister probably should have thought twice before spending a total of $S1,450 on nine small bottles of water just because the seller told them it was capable of turning their luck.

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The Creeping Devil – A Unique Cactus That Kills Parts of Itself to Move Across the Desert

The Creeping Devil is a rare and fascinating species of cactus that is not only capable of cloning itself to survive, but also of detaching from its major shoot to move through the desert over time.

Also known by its scientific name, Stenocereus eruca, this unusual species of cactus is endemic to the northwestern Mexican state of Baja California Sur, and is the only known moving cactus in the world. Unlike most other species of cactus, which typically grow vertically, toward the sky, the creeping devil is different – it lies flat on the ground with only its tip slightly raised. This plays a major role in the plant’s survival in isolation, but also in its unique capacity to migrate along the desert over long periods of time.

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Chinese Family Shocked After Pet “Puppy” Turns Out to Be a Bear

A family in Yunan Province, China, recently had to give up the pet puppy they had bought two years ago after it grew into a 250lbs black bear.

Su Yun, who lives near the city of Kunming, bought the animal two years ago, while on vacation. At the time, she thought she had paid for a Tibetan Mastiff puppy, one of the most highly-regarded dog breeds in China, and didn’t much care that it was sold by a random man on the side of the road. The price was good and the puppy certainly looked like it was going to grow up to be an impressive specimen. Little did she know that the “puppy” would exceed all her expectations, at least in terms of size.

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“Ninja Squatter” Lives in Woman’s House for Six Months Without Being Noticed

A 20-year-old man from the Japanese city of Himeji has been hailed as a modern-day ninja, after managing to live unnoticed in an elderly woman’s house for half a year.

The young squatter’s incredible run came to an end earlier this week, when his 90-year-old host’s son came to visit and cook her dinner. During his time there, the man heard some strange noises coming from the second floor of the house, and walked up the stairs to investigate. When he opened the door to one of the upstairs bedrooms, he was shocked to find a young man sleeping on a futon. Instead of losing his composure and confronting the intruder, he kept his composure, simply closing the door very slowly and going back downstairs to ask his mother if she new anything about someone else living in her house. The 90-year-old woman had no idea what her son was talking about, so the man called 110 (emergency number) to report the trespassing.

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