Man Faces Charges for Pointing “Finger Gun” at Neighbor During Argument

With gun crime so frequent in the United States these days, even making a gun gesture with your hand can put some people on edge. A Pennsylvania man found that out the hard way after being charged with disorderly conduct for pointing a “finger gun” at another man during an argument.

The bizarre incident took place in June 2018, when, according to surveillance footage, 64-year-old Stephen Kirchner was walking with his girlfriend on a street in Manor Township, Pennsylvania. The woman reportedly had a no contact order against one of her neighbors, and when the couple walked by the neighbor’s residence, Kirchner stopped, turned around, formed a finger gun with his thumb and forefinger, pointed it at the neighbor and pulled the imaginary trigger. Little did he know that the gesture would lead to a year-long litigation.

The 64-year-old’s finger gun was apparently so disturbing to bystanders in the area that some of them actually called the police about it. To make matters worse, the neighbor he pointed he finger gun at later told police that he had felt “extremely threatened” by the gesture. Kirchner himself admitted that he knew his gesture would only inflame tensions, but he later learned that it was actually a crime.

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Teenager Loses Sight After Living on French Fries, Chips and White Bread for Years

Doctors in the UK recently reported the shocking case of a teenager whose vision has deteriorated to the point of blindness due to a poor diet based mainly on French fries, potato chips, processed meat and white bread.

The Bristol-based teenager, who preferred to remain anonymous, had reportedly been eating only French fries, Pringles chips and white bread, as well as the occasional sausage or ham slice, ever since he left primary school. His family describes him as a fussy eater who could never tolerate the texture of fruits or vegetables. He first went to see his doctors when he was 14, because he had been feeling tired and unwell, and was diagnosed with severe vitamin deficiency. The doctor put him on supplements and advised him to drastically change his diet, but he failed to do so and also neglected taking the supplements, and three years later he was diagnosed with progressive sight loss due to undernourishment.

Doctors at the Bristol Eye Hospital concluded that the teen’s poor diet caused him to suffer from nutritional optic neuropathy. This condition is treatable when diagnosed early, but in this particular case the fibers in his optic nerve had been so badly damaged that the sight loss has been deemed irreversible. As a consequence of the considerable sight loss, the now 19-year-old has quit college and is struggling to find a job.

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Vegan Woman Sues Neighbors for Barbecuing in Their Backyard

Cilla Carden, a vegan woman from Perth, in Australia, took her neighbors to court for “deliberately” allowing the smell of barbecued meat and fish to cross onto her property.

The frustrated vegan has been in a dispute with both her neighbors since 2017, and has taken one of them court several times, unsuccessfully. After having her case thrown out by a tribunal earlier this year, Carden recently applied to the Supreme Court of Western Australia for right of appeal, which was also rejected back in June. It doesn’t take a legal expert to figure out why, though, as the woman basically argued that one of her neighbors deliberately barbecued meat and fish in their backyard, because they knew she couldn’t stand it.

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Woman Seeks Divorce from Husband Too Busy Studying for Career Exam

An Indian woman recently made national news headlines for seeking divorce from her husband on grounds that he is so busy studying for the nationwide UPSC examination that he spends almost no time with her.

The unnamed woman, who hails from the city of Bhopal,  has alleged in family court that her husband spends all day preparing for the difficult UPSC (Union Public Service Commission) exam, never has time to go out with her, and sometimes doesn’t speak a word to her. She also told a counselor at the District Legal Service Authority in Bhopal that her husband is always too busy studying to take her out shopping or to watch a movie, and doesn’t even visit his relatives. After a while, it all got too much to bear, so she decided to get a divorce.

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Russian Billionaire Gives His Old School a Versailles Makeover

Did you grow up wishing the school you went to every day looked more like a fairy-tale palace? No? Well this Russian billionaire sure did and when he became rich enough to afford it, he actually turned his old school into a flamboyant palace, complete with gilded walls, marble floors and even a water fountain.

Walking into the 106 Secondary School in Yekaterinburg after its recent renovation you couldn’t be blamed for thinking you had been magically transported to a French Baroque palace like Versailles. With golden chandeliers hanging from the ceiling, gilded decorations covering the walls and luxurious marble floors, it certainly looks nothing like a Soviet-era school dating back to the 1940s. That’s thanks to the generous donation of a former student named Andrei Simanovsky who grew up to become a successful businessman and decided to fulfill his childhood dream of turning his school into a palace.

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Turkish Beekeeper Enlists Thieving Bears as Honey Testers

İbrahim Sedef, an experienced beekeeper from Turkey’s Black Sea Region, has come up with an ingenious way of having his honey tested by the same bears that used to steal it.

Agricultural engineer and beekeeper İbrahim Sedef had been struggling to deal with thieving bears for over four months, but nothing worked. When he tried covering his precious beehives with steel cages, the bears toppled to get to the precious honey, when he reinforced the cages with a cement base, they just dug in the ground and toppled them again. Even raising the hives higher up didn’t help as the bears just climbed up to reach them. So earlier this month, Sedef decided to stop looking for solutions and at least use the bears’ appetite for honey to his advantage.

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Teacher Sparks Controversy for Making Students Wear Cardboard Boxes to Deter Cheating on Exam

A Mexican teacher has come under fire for making high-school students wear cardboard boxes on their heads to block their peripheral vision and prevent them from copying on an exam.

Luis Juárez Texis, the director of Campus 01 “El Sabinal” at the College of Bachelors, in the Mexican state of Tlaxcala, has been accused of humiliating and breaking the basic human rights of his students, after a photo of him overseeing an exam where the students wore cardboard boxes on their heads went viral online. The students’ parents shared the photo on social media and issued a public statement asking educational authorities in Mexico to dismiss Texis.

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Japan Gets Its Very Own Whimsical Coloring Book Cafe

Tokyo’s Shin Obuko neighborhood recently became the home of what will undoubtedly become one of the most popular cafes in the Japanese capital – 2D Cafe, a place that lets you feel like you’re in a real-life illustration.

Most likely inspired by the success of Cafe Yeonnam-dong 239-20, the Seoul-based cafe that went viral around this time last year, the new 2D Cafe relies on the same illustration theme to draw in Instagram influencers looking for the next hottest selfie spot. Using an entirely monochrome decor that makes a 3d seting look 2D, this eye-catching venue tricks visitors into thinking they’ve set foot in a different dimension, you know, like that famous music video for A-ha’s Take on Me.

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Sailing through Rock – Sailors Encounter Pumice Island the Size of Manhattan

An Australian couple sailing their catamaran towards Fiji, in the Pacific Ocean, encountered a 150-square-kilometer pumice raft drifting towards Australia.

Believed to have been produced by an underwater volcanic eruption near the island of Tonga, the pumice raft is over 20,000 football fields in size and several inches thick. Its existence was first reported on August 16, by a couple who encountered it while sailing towards Fiji. The vast expanse of floating volcanic rock slowed their catamaran to a speed of one knot and completely covered the ocean surface as far as the eye could see.

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The Internet Can’t Decide Whether This Girl’s Eyes Are Real or Not

Instagram models are a dime a dozen these days, but few have the visually striking appearance of Maria Oz, a young Ukrainian visual artist and model with unusually large eyes.

Most of Maria’s 117,000 Instagram followers are convinced that she has the world’s largest eyes. To be honest, they do look unnaturally big, at least in some of her photos, which is why some people are sure that she uses editing software to alter her appearance. That makes sense, considering Maria Oz is a self-described visual artist who sometimes posts edited photos of herself, either with an extremely long neck or with differently colored eyes. However, when it comes to her eyes, she reportedly claims they really are that large in real life.

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The Baffling Transformation of an Anti-Semite Who Became a Jew and Moved to Israel

German Lutz Langer once dreamed of destroying “Jewish domination” and praised the SS who during WW2 killed millions of Jews, but after a mind-blowing 10-year transformation, he now lives in Israel as a kippah-wearing Jew called Yonatan.

Born in Berlin to Christian parents, Lutz Langer spent ten years as the member of a German Neo-Nazi group. He used to worship Hitler or Himler, listen to Neo-Nazi music and hate on Jews, whom he considered “the ultimate enemy, to be completely destroyed”. He and his anti-Semite friends used to either dispute the existence of the Holocaust or simply justify it as something necessary. He himself admits that there was a time when he thought the extermination of the Jews was “alright”. But not anymore; after a 10-year conversion process, Langer is now a model Jew and living proof that anyone can change.

Lutz Langer was converted to Neo-Nazism when he was just 12-years-old, by his karate instructor. It all started with forbidden music, which was provocative for him and his young friends. It wasn’t something you could find in a music store, you had to know the right people, make copies and listen to in very private settings. Their instructor would invite them to his home and discuss the Holocaust over beer. Before he knew it, he was cutting his hair short, dressing up in black leather, doing the Nazi salute and interacting with all kinds of far-right extremists.

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Belorussian Artist Paints Better with Her Breasts Than Most People Do with Their Hands

Nadia Matievskaia, a self-taught artist from Belarus, has been making news headlines for her unusual “brush”. The young artist uses her breasts to paint, but you couldn’t tell by the details displayed in her artworks.

Nadia never trained to become a painter, in fact she dreamed of having a career in the music industry, but a year and a half ago she started taking acting lessons and discovered a hidden talent. The young artist says that the courses taught her not to be so constrained and explore her innermost feelings, but they also helped her experiment with her body and discover an unexpected way to make money. An assignment that one of her teachers gave her required her to create a painting using her breasts and try to sell it. She did exactly that, and she’s been doing it ever since.

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Georgian Strongman Allegedly Pulls 200-Tonne Sea Vessel with Just His Middle Finger

Giorgi Rostomashvili, a competitive strongman and weightlifter from Georgia, recently showed off his Herculean strength by pulling a 200-tonne boat using only his middle finger.

A viral video shows Rostomashvili holding onto a metal ladder to prevent him from being dragged into the water as he uses his middle finger to drag the “Tamara 2” into the port of Batumi. The 40-second video is heavily edited and doesn’t show the whole attempt, but according to national media reports, the young strongman managed to drag the heavy vessel 5 meters towards the shore.

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NASA Investigating First Ever Crime in Space After Astronaut Gets Accused of Hacking Bank Account from Space

NASA is said to be investigating a claim that one of its astronauts accessed the bank account of her estranged spouse while on board the International Space Station, in what may be the first crime committed in space.

Astronaut Anne McClain and Summer Worden, an Air Force intelligence officer, married in 2014 and split in 2018, when Ms. Worden filed for divorce. The pair have been involved in a custody battle over Worden’s young son for the past year, but things git even more complicated recently after Worden accused her ex-spouse of illegally accessing her bank account from aboard the ISS. McCain admitted logging into the bank account from outer space, but denied any wrong-doing, claiming that she was just keeping an eye on the family finances to make sure their son was well taken care of.

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Australian Woman Covers Town in Graffiti in Bizarre Attempt to Contact Mystery Man

A 36-year-old Australian woman in Melbourne’s Frankston suburb was charged with criminal damage, wilful damage, among others, after covering several public spaces with graffiti messages to a certain “Chris”, the alleged father of her unborn baby.

The alleged vandalism reportedly occurred between July 29 and 30 when graffiti started popping up in recreational areas around Frankston, urging a person named Chris to “call before the baby is born”. Confused residents started posting photos of the bizarre graffiti message to The Frankston Community Noticeboard Facebook page, where they quickly went viral. The same message – Chris u need 2 talk 2 me b4 baby is born, or dont bother after – was photographed on various public spaces, barbecues, public toilet doors, footpaths and walls, and prompted users to ask Chris to call the author before it’s too late.

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