Woman Walks Out of Her Own Wedding After Discovering That the Groom Is Bald

An Indian wedding recently ended as a total fiasco, after the bride refused to tie the knot to a man whom she had just discovered was bald…

Arranged marriages are common affairs in India, but despite families arranging and negotiating well in advance, they don’t always go without a hitch. Sometimes the bride or groom runs off with their lover, sometimes tragedy strikes, and other times not knowing enough about the person you’re marrying can be a problem. Case in point, a recent wedding in the Etawah district of Kanpur, in which the bride refused to marry her betrothed after finding out that he was bald.

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Animal Lover Has Spent the Last 30 Years Running “World’s Loneliest Zoo”

Luo Yingjiu, an 81-year-old man in China’s Hubei Province, has spent the last three decades of his life taking care of sick and disabled animals at the “world’s loneliest zoo”.

It was during the 1980s that Luo Yingjiu started buying animals and taking them home with him. He wasn’t doing it as a pet collector, but as an animal lover sick of seeing all sorts of disabled and visibly sick creatures being kept in cages and sold on the streets. So he bought them and took them home with him, where he did his best to nurse them back to health. The lucky ones that made a full recovery were eventually released back into the wild, but some were in such bad shape that they required constant care and attention, which Luo was more than happy to provide…

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Man Marries Identical Triplets Who Didn’t Want to Get Separated

A Congolese man recently shocked the world by marrying three identical triplets who decided to share the same man in order to stay together, instead of becoming separated.

A 32-year-old Congolese man identified only as Luwizo recently married sisters Natasha, Natalie and Nadege, identical triplets, in a colorful wedding ceremony that made international headlines. After originally meeting Natalie on social media and becoming in love with her, Luwizo was reportedly deceived by her other two sisters into thinking that he was meeting his girlfriend. He allegedly couldn’t tell the identical triplets apart, and they eventually all fell in love with him. When they finally revealed that there were three of them and they all wanted to marry him, he just couldn’t refuse.

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Office Worker Does Ab Wheel Exercises Every Day for a Year to Get Anime Character Body

A young Japanese office worker has allegedly been doing ab wheel exercises every day for the last year in order to attain the muscular body of his favorite anime character, Inosuke Hashibira.

On March 1st, 2021, the 33-year-old office worker, known only by his Twitter handle (@InosukeWorkout) posted photos of his body on the microblogging social network, announcing that he was going to start doing ab wheel exercises in order to achieve the toned physique of Inosuke Hashibira, one of the main protagonists of the Demon Slayer: Kimenu no Yaiba manga/anime. Sporting the character’s iconic wild boar mask, the mysterious man then started daily videos of himself doing ab wheel exercises, and documenting his progress through photos.

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Playboy Model Charges Up to $2,000 to Test Men’s Loyalty Online

Playboy model and Instagram star Carolina Lekker allegedly charges women up to $2,000 to approach their boyfriends on social media and test how faithful they really are.

Carolina, who recently appeared on the cover of Playboy Africa, recently revealed that she supplements her income by putting her looks and flirting abilities in the service of women wanting to test their partners’ loyalty. For a fee that can reach up to $2,000 per client, she will approach unsuspecting men on Instagram and other social media platforms and get them to meet with her. If they end up falling into her honey trap, Lekker will keep the money and expose them to their partner, and if they refuse and prove their faithfulness, she will return the fee to the client.

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Rare Genetic Condition Makes 10-Year-Old Boy Feel Constantly Hungry

David, a 10-year-old boy from Singapore, was diagnosed with Prader-Willi Syndrome, a complex genetic condition that makes him feel hungry no matter how much he eats.

Imagine filling your stomach with copious amounts of nutritious food and never actually experiencing that sensation of fullness that we know as ‘satiety’. That is what David Soo, a 10-year-old boy from Singapore has to deal with every day of his life. He suffers from a complex rare disease called Prader-Willi Syndrome, which, among other serious symptoms, leaves sufferers feeling hungry regardless of how much they eat. It is caused by the loss of function of genes in a certain region of chromosome 15, and it is incurable.

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Corbezzolo Honey – A Rare, Valuable and Very Bitter Nectar

Corbezzolo Honey is a unique type of honey famous for tasting nothing like we expect honey to taste. To say that this Sardinian treat is not sweet would be an understatement, because it’s downright bitter.

Italians have been making corbezzolo honey in Sardinia for a very long time. How long, is impossible to say, but there are references to it in the writings of famous ancient figures like Cicero, Virgil and Ovid, who noted the contrasting taste between Sardinian honey and the sweet honey of the Hyblean Mountains. But if you can get past the bitterness, you’ll discover an amber nectar full of nutrients and natural medicine. It’s packed full of vitamins and minerals, has anti-inflamatory properties, and has been used as a sleep inducer and cough sedative for generations.

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Crocodile Tear Syndrome Makes Man Cry Every Time He Eats

A Chinese man was recently diagnosed with “crocodile tear syndrome”, a rare medical condition that causes people to shed tears whenever they eat.

Crying is usually triggered by a strong emotional reaction, such as sadness, pain or uncontrollable laughter, but in rare cases it can be activated by something as benign as eating. Last year, an elderly man, referred to only as ‘Mr. Zhang’ by Chinese media, reportedly started shedding tears when he ate. He didn’t think much of it at first, but the crying got noticeably worse when he needed to chew for longer, and this interfered with his social life. Zhang started avoiding eating in public, for fear of tears rolling down his face in front of people, so he became isolated. Luckily, he realized that this wasn’t something he could hide forever, and decided to see a doctor.

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China’s Famous ‘Strange Slope’ Appears to Defy Gravity

Strange Slope is a natural tourist attraction in China’s Liaoning Province, where a strange phenomenon causes things to roll uphill and prevents them from rolling downhill.

Located at the foot of Maoshan Mountain, near the city of Shenyang, the Strange Slope scenic area is considered one of the eight natural wonders of Liaoning Province. It was discovered in 1990, when, local stories say, a police officer stopped his car in the area and, taking his foot off the brake, noticed his vehicle slowly rolled uphill, all the way to the top. Word of the bizarre phenomenon spread like wildfire, and before long, people from all over the country, and even from abroad, were coming to see the gravity-defying slope in person. Authorities cleaned the place up, created separate lanes for bikes and cars, and Strange Slope became one of the most popular scenic areas in Liaoning.

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Man Who Bought Allegedly Haunted Painting Claims It Ruined His Life

A “weird thing collector” who paid $50 for a painting at a flea market, despite explicitly being warned that it brought nothing but misfortune, now claims the haunted artwork changed his life for the worse.

Dan Smith – not his real name – bought the unnamed painting of two dolls at a flea market, ignoring the former owner’s warnings that it was bad news. If anything, the fact that it was a bad luck charm was something of a bonus, as he wanted to test it out for himself. Unfortunately, his curiosity had a high price, as he claims he went on an “epic losing streak” as soon as he brought it home with him.

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Stalker Hides in Victim’s Attic, Only Comes Out at Night to Film Her as She Sleeps

In what may be one of the creepiest, most disturbing stories we’ve ever featured on Oddity Central, a young man was arrested for stalking a New Hampshire woman, hiding in her attic and filming her as she slept.

Mauricio Damian Guerrero, a 20-year-man from Philadephia, was arrested last month on the roof of a house from which he had allegedly been stalking an OnlyFans woman he had become obsessed with. The young man had reportedly gotten his hands on the woman’s keys, made copies of it, which allowed him to come and go from her house as he pleased, and hid in her attic, waiting for her to go to sleep so he could come down and film her. The victim only realized something was wrong when her mother started hearing strange sounds from the attic.

Guerrero’s victim, only referred to as “NR” by the media, told investigators that she had been contacted by the Philadelphia man in October of last year, on OnlyFans, where she published adult content for paying members. At one point, he promised to buy NR a television set and a fireplace, so she gave him her address, for shipping purposes. Then he began being pushy, asking to meet her in person, despite her best efforts to make him understand that she wasn’t interested.

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Hematogen – The Legendary Russian Candy Bar Infused With Cow Blood

Hematogen, or gematogen, is a Soviet-era supplement notorious for containing at least 5 percent black food albumin, a technical term for cow’s blood.

In the Soviet Union, even sweet treats had a practical purpose. In the case of Hematogen, its controversial secret ingredient helped consumers treat anemia, malnutrition, and fatigue. It was consumed by both children and adults, who loved both its sweet vanilla flavor and the effect it had on their health and overall food. Once only sold to the public in pharmacies, Hematogen can now be found in a variety of stores and shops in ex-Soviet countries like Russia and Ukraine, and even as far as the US and Canada. You can even order them on Amazon.

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Meet Yakei, the Macaque “Queen” Who Became the First Female Alpha in Her Pack’s History

Yakei, a 9-year-old female Japanese macaque at the Takasakiyama natural zoological garden, shocked staff by fighting her way through several strong males to become the first female alpha in the troupe’s 70-year history.

The story of Yakei’s rise to power sounds like the plot of a Hollywood epic. Born into the 677-strong troupe B at the Takasakiyama zoo in Japan’s Oita city, the female inherited the rank just under her mother, as per the rules of macaque society. The higher an individual’s rank, the greater its access to food, mates and resting locations. Last March, Yakei fought her own mother and won, becoming the leader of the other females in her group. For most females, this would have been more than enough, but for Yakei it was only the first step to a much more ambitious goal – leader of the entire troupe.

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Onagadori – A Japanese Chicken Breed With Majestically Long Tail Feathers

The Onagadori (‘honorable fowl’ in Japanese) is a rare chicken breed known for its exceptionally long tail, which can reach over 10 meters, putting even peacocks to shame.

Of the seventeen chicken breeds considered Japanese national treasures, the Onagadori is the only one to have “special” status. Ever since it received this status in 1952, exports of Onagadori birds and eggs were forbidden, so there are very few specimens, if any, found outside of Japan today. The breed is famous for the non-molting, and thus incredibly long tails of roosters, which, if kept in the best conditions with high levels of animal husbandry, can grow for the lifetime of the bird.

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Medical Student Has Bluetooth Device Surgically Implanted in Ear to Cheat on Exam

A medical student in India was recently caught cheating on his graduation exam with a Bluetooth device embedded in his inner ear to avoid detection.

On February 21, 78 medical students took part in the final MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery) exam at the Mahatma Gandhi Medical College in India. One of them, however, was more desperate to pass than the rest. Apparently, the unnamed medical student had been admitted 11 years ago, but had failed the final exam multiple times over the last few years, and this was his final chance to pass. To increase his chances, the man apparently turned to cheating, getting a Bluetooth device surgically implanted in his ear.

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