Japan Gets Its Very Own Whimsical Coloring Book Cafe

Tokyo’s Shin Obuko neighborhood recently became the home of what will undoubtedly become one of the most popular cafes in the Japanese capital – 2D Cafe, a place that lets you feel like you’re in a real-life illustration.

Most likely inspired by the success of Cafe Yeonnam-dong 239-20, the Seoul-based cafe that went viral around this time last year, the new 2D Cafe relies on the same illustration theme to draw in Instagram influencers looking for the next hottest selfie spot. Using an entirely monochrome decor that makes a 3d seting look 2D, this eye-catching venue tricks visitors into thinking they’ve set foot in a different dimension, you know, like that famous music video for A-ha’s Take on Me.

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Sailing through Rock – Sailors Encounter Pumice Island the Size of Manhattan

An Australian couple sailing their catamaran towards Fiji, in the Pacific Ocean, encountered a 150-square-kilometer pumice raft drifting towards Australia.

Believed to have been produced by an underwater volcanic eruption near the island of Tonga, the pumice raft is over 20,000 football fields in size and several inches thick. Its existence was first reported on August 16, by a couple who encountered it while sailing towards Fiji. The vast expanse of floating volcanic rock slowed their catamaran to a speed of one knot and completely covered the ocean surface as far as the eye could see.

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The Baffling Transformation of an Anti-Semite Who Became a Jew and Moved to Israel

German Lutz Langer once dreamed of destroying “Jewish domination” and praised the SS who during WW2 killed millions of Jews, but after a mind-blowing 10-year transformation, he now lives in Israel as a kippah-wearing Jew called Yonatan.

Born in Berlin to Christian parents, Lutz Langer spent ten years as the member of a German Neo-Nazi group. He used to worship Hitler or Himler, listen to Neo-Nazi music and hate on Jews, whom he considered “the ultimate enemy, to be completely destroyed”. He and his anti-Semite friends used to either dispute the existence of the Holocaust or simply justify it as something necessary. He himself admits that there was a time when he thought the extermination of the Jews was “alright”. But not anymore; after a 10-year conversion process, Langer is now a model Jew and living proof that anyone can change.

Lutz Langer was converted to Neo-Nazism when he was just 12-years-old, by his karate instructor. It all started with forbidden music, which was provocative for him and his young friends. It wasn’t something you could find in a music store, you had to know the right people, make copies and listen to in very private settings. Their instructor would invite them to his home and discuss the Holocaust over beer. Before he knew it, he was cutting his hair short, dressing up in black leather, doing the Nazi salute and interacting with all kinds of far-right extremists.

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Belorussian Artist Paints Better with Her Breasts Than Most People Do with Their Hands

Nadia Matievskaia, a self-taught artist from Belarus, has been making news headlines for her unusual “brush”. The young artist uses her breasts to paint, but you couldn’t tell by the details displayed in her artworks.

Nadia never trained to become a painter, in fact she dreamed of having a career in the music industry, but a year and a half ago she started taking acting lessons and discovered a hidden talent. The young artist says that the courses taught her not to be so constrained and explore her innermost feelings, but they also helped her experiment with her body and discover an unexpected way to make money. An assignment that one of her teachers gave her required her to create a painting using her breasts and try to sell it. She did exactly that, and she’s been doing it ever since.

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Australian Woman Covers Town in Graffiti in Bizarre Attempt to Contact Mystery Man

A 36-year-old Australian woman in Melbourne’s Frankston suburb was charged with criminal damage, wilful damage, among others, after covering several public spaces with graffiti messages to a certain “Chris”, the alleged father of her unborn baby.

The alleged vandalism reportedly occurred between July 29 and 30 when graffiti started popping up in recreational areas around Frankston, urging a person named Chris to “call before the baby is born”. Confused residents started posting photos of the bizarre graffiti message to The Frankston Community Noticeboard Facebook page, where they quickly went viral. The same message – Chris u need 2 talk 2 me b4 baby is born, or dont bother after – was photographed on various public spaces, barbecues, public toilet doors, footpaths and walls, and prompted users to ask Chris to call the author before it’s too late.

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French Zoo Visitors Use Fingernails to Scratch Names into the Back of Live Rhino

A zoo in southeastern France recently condemned the “stupidity” of some of its visitors after shocking photos of a 35-year-old female rhino with the names “Camille” and “Julien” scratched on its back went viral on social media.

La Palmyre Zoo, in the French city of Royan, allows visitors to touch some of the animals in its care when they approach the fence of their enclosure. It is designed to be a “moving” experience that allows visitors to appreciate the “beauty and diversity of nature”, but for some it’s simply an opportunity to display their ignorance and cruelty. Case in point, the people who shockingly used their fingernails to scratch their names onto the back of a female rhino when it approached the fence of its pen. Photos of the “signed” animal went viral online last week, sparking outrage all over the world.

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German City Will Pay You One Million Euros if You Can Prove That It Doesn’t Exist.

The German city of Bielefeld, in the north-east of North Rhine-Westphalia, has announced that it is offering a €1 million prize to anyone who can prove that it doesn’t exist.

To have any hope of understanding this bizarre offer, you have to go back to 1993 when the famous “Bielefeld? There’s No Such Thing!” conspiracy theory appeared on the internet. Formulated by a computer student named Achim Held, it basically claimed that Bielefeld – a city of around 330,000 inhabitants, which has historically been around for around 800 years – didn’t actually exist, because, unlike other German cities, it wasn’t really known for anything in particular. The hilarious conspiracy theory spread online and gained a life of its own, with many proponents postulated that a group called “SIE,” or “THEY” in German, created an imaginary illusion of the city, or that it had a secret city center where “dead” celebrities like Elvis Presley and Kurt Cobain had been taken away to.

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Painting Jail Cells Pink – A Controversial Way to Curb Inmate Aggression

Several Swiss prisons have painted their jail cells in a color called “Cool Down Pink” as a way to curb prisoners’ aggressive behavior and even though the measure was adopted by other European countries in recent years, there are those who find the measure degrading and manipulative.

It’s a known fact that colors have a significant influence on our mood. It is said that red can stimulate our appetite, which is why you’re more likely to see it used in restaurants, as opposed to blue, which apparently suppresses the appetite. Every color is associated with various emotions which as a whole can influence our moods. For example, pink is usually associated with happiness and compassion, but also weakness and femininity. And that’s what makes it so controversial. Psychologists have long argued that it can have a calming effect on people, but using it in the penal system has also been described as humiliating, gender stereotyping and manipulative.

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Black Housekeeper Turned Away by Priest Because His Dog Is Racist

A Tennessee black woman recently filed a discrimination complaint against a Catholic priest and his parish after being denied work because of the color of her skin. However, the priest denies the accusation, claiming that it’s only his German dog who is “kinda racist”.

When Emily Weaver, the employee of a cleaning company in Collierville, Tennessee decided to quit her job, she came by the Catholic Church of the Incarnation, to introduce her replacement, LaShundra Allen, who happened to be back. the two women were reportedly stopped by the church secretary as soon as they arrived and told that Reverend Jacek Kowal would have to be asked if the replacement was ok. The two cleaning women waited for the secretary to return, and were eventually informed that LaShaundra was not a suitable replacement because of the priest’s “racist” dog.

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Florida Vacationers Terrorized by Flock of Foul-Smelling Vultures

Owning a vacation home in West Palm Beach’s Ibis Golf and Country Club is a dream come true for most people, but for a couple of residents that dream quickly turned into a nightmare after their properties were taken over by dozens of black vultures.

Earlier this year, New Yorkers Anthony and Siobhan Casimano bought a vacation home in the Ibis Golf and Country Club for 702,000 dollar, but when they decided to vacation there, they were shocked to find it had actually been taken over by dozens, if not hundreds of black vultures. They were practically living in the pool area, had destroyed the property’s screened enclosures and did not appear too happy to share the place with its human owners. They pecked at their car, and vomited when they got too close, as a means of self defense. Despite their best efforts to have the issue resolved, the Casimanos remain unable to drive the vultures away and reclaim their expensive property.

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Mysterious Benefactor in Germany Has Donated Over $220,000 in Cash to Charity

Since the beginning of the year, a mystery donor in the German city of Braunschweig has given away several ‘miracle bags’ containing over 200,000 euros in cash to various charities.

The bags, each stuffed with banknotes worth between 20,000 and 100,000 euros, started appearing at the Braunschweiger Zeitung newspaper headquarters earlier this year, with specific instructions of which local charities the money should go to. The latest one, a bag containing 100,000 euros in two hundred €500 euro bills, was received last Monday along with instructions that it be donated to a local hospice, but other miracle bags have gone to churches, organizations helping crime victims, and several other causes.

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Company Allegedly Makes Employees Eat Live Fish, Drink Chicken Blood for Failing to Meet Goals

A sales company in Guizhou, China, has come under fire for forcing employees to eat live mud fish and drink chicken blood for failing to meet their set goals.

News of the extreme punishment employees of a Guizhou construction material store were recently subjected to broke out after a video of the ordeal was leaked online. It showed a man handing out live mud fish from a plastic bucket to about two dozen employees and instructing them to “bite it until it breaks”. The video also shows the poor people drinking a strange liquid reported to be chicken blood, and then grimacing and retching in discussed. Faced with video evidence, a spokesperson for the company admitted that the event took place, but claimed that employees volunteered to take part…

A representative of the construction material super-store told Chinese newspaper Beijing News that the incident did indeed take place on August 4 and involved about 20 employees who had failed to meet their sales quotas. However, he emphasized that employees volunteered to eat live fish and drink chicken blood, as a form of motivation to do better in the future.

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Man Suffers Collapsed Lung After Long Karaoke Session

A 65-year-old man from eastern China needed to be hospitalized after an unusually long karaoke session allegedly left him with a serious medical condition known as a collapsed lung.

Identified solely by his surname, Wang, the elderly karaoke enthusiast realized something was wrong when he experienced shortness of breath and sharp pain on the left side of his back, last week, while singing his favorite songs. He Had sung these high-pitched tunes before and never felt any discomfort, but this time was different. He couldn’t reach the high notes and had trouble breathing normally.

Wang told Nanchang News that he chose to ignore his symptoms when he first noticed them, but they worsened after he got home from the karaoke marathon, and he had no choice but to go to the hospital the next morning. Peng Bin-fei, a doctor from emergency department at Nanchang hospital, told Wang that he had suffered a collapsed lung, also known as a pneumothorax, and asked for details as to what might have caused it. Upon learning about his recent karaoke marathon, the doctor concluded that it was the high-pitch singing that caused Wang’s lung to collapse.

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Scientist Create “Atomik Vodka” from Grains and Water around Chernobyl

An international team of scientists studying the exclusion zone around Chernobyl recently unveiled a bottle of vodka made with water and cereal grown in the area around the abandoned nuclear power plant.

Called ‘Atomik’, this vodka is the first consumer product to have come out of the Chernobyl exclusion zone ever since the nuclear catastrophe that hit Ukraine in 1986. The grains used to make it were grown on a farm located withing the zone, and while analysis showed that they did some radioactive elements, the distillation process reportedly removed all impurities so the Atomik Vodka was found to contain the same radioactive compound as any other spirits drink – natural Carbon-14.

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The Indonesian Island That Somehow Makes Mammals Smaller

Ever since the remains of “Homo Florensis”, an extinct species of unusually short humans, were discovered on Flores Island, in eastern Indonesia, scientists have been fascinated with this patch of land, which apparently has the power to somehow make mammals shorter and smaller.

It all began in 2004, when the remains of a human who would have been about 1.1 m in height were discovered at Liang Bua cave. Partial skeletons of nine other individuals were subsequently unearthed and analysis showed that they were part of a yet unknown species of the “Homo” genus named Homo Florensis. It’s estimated that they lived on Flores Island roughly 190,000 to 50,000 years ago. With an average height of just 1.1 meters, they were shorter than modern pygmies which earned them the nickname of ‘real-life hobbits’. Scientists believed they were the ancestors of the pygmies currently living on Flores Island, which made perfect sense, only it turns out that the two have nothing in common. If anything, both species had been independently “shrunk” by the island itself.

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