Kupi Khop – Indonesia’s Upside-Down Coffee Is Best Sipped Through a Straw

Kupi Khop is a unique type of coffee served in an upside-down glass on a glass plate and sipped through a straw. For obvious reasons, it’s also known as Indonesian upside-down coffee.

If you ever find yourself on the West Coast of Aceh, in Indonesia, you owe it to yourself to enjoy a Kupi Khop coffee. The unique serving method alone makes it worth a try, as even if you don’t enjoy coffee, you can at least share it on Instagram or on whatever other socials you prefer. Kupi Khop consists of coarsely ground robusta coffee brewed in a glass that is then turned upside down on a glass saucer. A plastic straw is then used to gradually extract the coffee from the glass without it spilling uncontrollably.

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Armboxing – Probably the World’s Weirdest Contact Sport

The world of contact sports is about to be taken by storm by one of the craziest creations in human history – armboxing, a weird take on the art of boxing.

The world is full of weird and wacky sports, but when it comes to downright crazy inventions, the Russians definitely take the cake. After the insanity that was ‘car-jitsu’ – basically jiu jitsu in a car – the brilliant minds in Mother Russia have come up with something even more insane. Known only as ‘armboxing’, this new contact sport sees two fighters standing opposite each other being chained to a podium with their lead hands glued together and the other hand free to do damage.

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Lithuanian Company Launches NSFW Potato Chips

If you think scorching hot potato chips are bold, these new pus*y-flavored potato chips recently launched in Lithuania will probably leave an interesting taste in your mouth.

According to recent research young people are three times less likely to fall in love than their parents were at the same age. Social media and our transition to virtual lives are partly to blame, but one Lithuanian potato chip company is trying to reverse the trend with a controversial line of chips aimed exclusively at 18-year-olds and older. The CHAZZ potato chip line features flavors like mussels and white wine, or Bloody Mary cocktail, but it’s the “pus*y flavor” that has been attracting the most attention…

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19-Year-Old Artist Creates Insanely Realistic Pencil Portraits

Mayor Olajide, a 19-year-old artist from Nigeria, has taken the hyperrealistic art world by storm with his photo-realistic charcoal pencil portraits.

We’ve featured some really gifted hyperrealism artists on Oddity Central over the years, true masters like Anna Halldin Maule, Hirothropologie, or Dru Blair, but it’s rare to see that kind of talent in someone as young as 19. And yet, here is Mayor Olajide, a 19-year-old Nigerian artist who has been attracting attention with his hyperrealistic pencil drawings for at least a couple of years now. He apparently started drawing when he was only 5 years old, and by age 15, he was already selling his art pieces and taking commissions to contribute to the family budget. Today, he is considered one of the world’s most promising hyperrealists.

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Woman Left With Double Eyebrows After Botched Tattoo Job

After a botched eyebrow tattoo procedure in Thailand, a young woman has had to walk around with two pairs of eyebrows on her face for over a year.

Eyebrow tattoos are pretty popular all over the world. When done correctly, they look great and don’t require much maintenance, but sadly that wasn’t the experience of one 32-year-old woman from Thailand, who has been living a nightmare because of a botched tattoo job. About a year ago, Nipapron Meeking paid 1,500 THB ($41) at a tiny hole-in-the-wall beauty clinic in Rayong province, eastern Thailand, hoping to walk out with a thick, well-defined pair of eyebrows. She got what she paid for, only the fake eyebrows didn’t cover her real ones, they stood above them…

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Thai Woman Allegedly Hires ‘Presentable’ Mistress For Her Husband

A 44-year-old married woman sparked controversy in Thailand after allegedly posting a job ad seeking “presentable and educated” women to fill the position of mistress for her husband.

Speaking out of her Bangkok apartment, the woman, identified as Pattheema Chamnan, recently said that she hasn’t been sleeping with her husband for a while, which makes her feel like a bad wife. To make up for it, she is looking to hire a mistress for him, one that can please him “physically”, but also have a pleasant personality and good communication skills. Chamnan offered the region’s minimum wage for the job $450), plus free meals and accommodation in the family home. As outrageous as the offer might seem to some, the Thai woman said that she has already shortlisted two candidates for the job.

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Hooded Pitohui – The World’s First Scientifically-Confirmed Poisonous Bird

The hooded pitohui, a small bird endemic to Papua New Guinea, is the first and only scientifically-confirmed poisonous bird in the world.

The Melanesian people of Papua New Guinea have long known to keep their hands off of hooded pitohui, but to the western world, the bird’s toxic potential was only discovered by chance just over three decades ago. In 1990, ornithologist Jack Dumbacher was on the Pacific island looking for birds of paradise. He had set up delicate mist nets between the trees to catch them and ended up with some hooded pitohui birds in them as well. As he tried to grab the birds out of the traps, they scratched and bit his fingers, and he instinctively put his hands in his mouth to soothe the pain. Almost immediately, Dumbacher felt his lips and tongue go numb. They then started to burn and did so for hours. Later, suspecting that the symptoms were caused by the bird, he took a pitohui feather and put it in his mouth. The numbness and ensuing pain quickly returned. He had unknowingly discovered the world’s first poisonous bird.

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Sing Like a Pro With Japan’s Weirdest Karaoke Training Device Yet

If you love karaoke, but can never hit the right notes of your favorite songs, don’t despair! Apparently, all you need to do is use a weird karaoke training device for just three minutes per day, and you’re all set.

Karaoke is really big in Japan. Few people know that the pastime enjoyed internationally by millions originated in the Asian country, so it’s really no surprise that so many people of all ages still love it here. But just because you love singing your favorite songs doesn’t mean you’re good at it, and that can be an issue, especially if you prefer doing it in public karaoke establishments, of which there are many in Japan. Sure, you can take singing lessons, but that requires time and money that most karaoke enthusiasts don’t have. Luckily, there is apparently a simple, albeit more bizarre alternative…

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Indian Man Has Not Bathed in 22 Years

A 62-year-old man from Bihar, India has been getting a lot of attention in his home country after it was revealed that he has not taken a bath in over two decades.

Dharamdev Ram is famous in his home village of Baikunthpur. Everybody knows that he hasn’t taken a bath or even a quick shower in 22 years, but nobody mocks him for it, on the contrary, he gets a lot of respect for his decision. That’s because the 62-year-old man vowed to shun bathing until violence against women, land disputes among men, and the killing of innocent animals stop. That has yet to happen, so Dharamdev continues to uphold his vow.

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Bottled Water Jelly – A New Way to Cool Off This Summer

If you don’t like the watery texture of water, you may want to try to keep yourself hydrated with some water jelly, a new hit summer product from Japan.

I’m too old to spend time on TikTok, but every once in a while I deep dive down a rabbit hole only to find the craziest things imaginable. The latest such experience lead me to a short clip of someone buying a bottle of water from a Japanese vending machine. Only the water doesn’t flow as you’d expect; instead, it comes out as jelly, which apparently makes sense, since it’s something called water jelly. You can drink it right out of the bottle, eat it with a spoon, or top it with fruit and enjoy it as a refreshing treat.

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Groom Abandons Bride During Marriage Ceremony After His Mother Calls Her Short And Ugly

A Tunisian woman has been receiving messages of support from around the world after being dumped at the altar because her would-be mother-in-law didn’t like how she looked.

Last week, Lamia al-Labawi, a young woman from Tunisia, took to Facebook to share the sad story of how what was supposed to be the best day of her life turned into a nightmare. She and her partner of four years were supposed to be married; everything had been arranged and they had spent a lot of money to make sure everything went according to plan, but the one thing they hadn’t taken into account was the groom’s mother. Lamia said that she had never met the woman in person before, and instead of a warm welcome into the family, all she received from her on her wedding day was vitriol.

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Chess-Playing Robot Breaks 7-Year-Old Boy’s Finger During Moscow Tournament

A computer-operated robotic arm reportedly grabbed and broke the finger of a seven-year-old boy during an exhibition chess match at the Moscow Open, last week.

Chess is probably one of the safest sports anyone can play, at least as far as potential bodily harm is involved. But when one of the players happens to be a powerful robotic arm and the other a 7-year-old-boy, things can apparently get pretty violent. In what has been described as an unprecedented incident, a chess-playing robot recently grabbed and broke the finger of a young boy during an exhibition match. The video of the shocking incident has been doing the rounds online and putting into question the safety of having children play against mechanical, computer-powered opponents.

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Tattoo Artist Creates Tattoos That Change Shape When Knees and Elbows Are Bent

French tattoo artist Veks Van Hillik specializes in clever black and white artworks that change shape when the person bends their arms or legs.

Tattoo artists usually steer shy of elbows and knees, because of the way their designs are warped when the client bends their arms or legs, but Veks Van Hillik embraces the challenge, creating mesmerizing tattoos that turn into something completely different when people bend and unbend their joints. Examples of these ingenious designs include an elbow-positioned scarab that opens its wings when the person straightens their arm or an expanding koi fish.

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Tekesi County – China’s Unique Bagua-Shaped City

Built according to the “Bagua”, or the Eight Trigrams used in Taoist cosmology, Tekesi County has a unique and eye-catching layout that allegedly renders traffic lights obsolete.

Bagua represents the fundamental principles of reality, seen as a range of eight interrelated concepts. It is a complex concept of Taoist cosmology which also has correspondences in astronomy, geography, anatomy, martial arts, medicine, and other disciplines. It’s also an essential tool in the majority of Feng Shui schools, used to map a room or location and see how the different sections correspond to different aspects in one’s life. But one thing the Bagua isn’t really used for is city planning; with one notable exception – Tekesi County, a city of 150,000 people in Northwest China’s Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region.

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This Tattoo Artist’s Clients Are Only Six-Years-Old on Average

New Zealand-based tattoo artist, Benjamin Lloyd, specializes in impressive airbrushed tattoos for children designed to put a smile on his young clients’ faces.

It all started in 2016, when artist Benjamin Lloyd posted an image of a friend’s young son with a skull and roses design airbrushed on his arm and torso. It looked just like an actual tattoo, even though it was just spray painted on the young boy, and in only a day, Lloyd’s photo went viral, garnering over 400,000 likes in just a few hours. He had captioned the photo with a promise. If his post got at least 50 likes, he would go to a children’s hospital and give the kids there airbrushed tattoos to cheer them up. After his post got hundreds of thousands of likes, he had no choice but to keep his promise.

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