Indian Couple Buy Land Next to Tiger Reserve And Simply Let Nature Take Over

For the last two decades, Indian wildlife photographer and conservationist Aditya Singh and his wife have been buying land adjacent the famous Ranthambore Tiger Reserve in Rajasthan, and simply letting the forest grow back as a refuge for big cats and other wildlife.

In 1998, Aditya Singh left his comfortable job with Indian civil services in Delhi and moved to a remote part of Rajasthan, in the vicinity of the Ranthambore Tiger Reserve, to be closer to nature. He took up photography and together with his wife, artist Poonam Singh, opened a tourist resort to earn a living. They had been able to buy a piece of land, because farmers were eager to sell due to the danger of tigers from the nearby reserve venturing onto their properties. Over the year, the couple bought up more land, but instead of planting crops, they just let nature slowly reclaim it. Over the last 20 years, their 35 acres of land has transformed into a green forest patch where lions from the tiger reserve as well as wild boars and other animals come all year round.

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People Can’t Tell if This Animal Is a Fox or a Dog

Photos of an adorable “fox dog” have been doing the rounds on the internet over the past week, leaving people wondering whether the animal is a dog, a fox, or a mix between the two.

The adorable Mya first drew the internet’s attention back in 2016, when her Instagram account went viral and she made appearances in some of the world’s most popular publications. But fast forward four years, and most most people still don’t know what animal they are looking at. The truth is that Mya’s blue eyes and vixen-like appearance can be a bit confusing, but she is actually a Pomsky, which is apparently what you call a Pomeranian-Husky mix.

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Arts Student Creates Fairytale Prom Dress for Sister Who Couldn’t Afford to Rent One

Maverick Francisco Oyao, a student taking up Bachelor of Culture and Arts Education at Western Mindanao State University in the Philippines, recently made news headlines around the world after surprising his sister with a one-of-a-kind prom dress that he made by hand.

It all started earlier this month, when the Culture and Arts Education student from Zamboanga City learned that his sister, Lu Asey Keanna Oyao, wanted to attend the upcoming Junior and Senior Prom in February. Unfortunately, renting a dress suitable for such an event was very expensive, and their parents simply couldn’t afford it. Keanna was worried that she didn’t have enough money to afford a proper prom dress, but since she was in her final year of junior high-school, she still insisted on going. Determined to make his sister’s prom a memorable one, Maverick decided to make her a unique princess dress himself.

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How the World’s Largest Signature Is Used by NASA to Analyze Satellite Imagery

In the late 1990’s, when a Texas farmer decided to clear up some new grazing land for his cattle by leaving up just enough trees to spell his name in giant letters, he probably never imagined that his signature would one day be used by NASA to evaluate the quality of their satellite cameras.

Jimmie Luecke was a young Texas state trooper who left the highway patrol in 1980 to try his luck in the oil business. He was lucky enough to do so during the chalk oil boom, became a millionaire, and invested most of his profits in land outside the town of Smithville. He started raising cattle on it, and by the late 1990’s his heard had gotten so large that he needed to clear up some more of his land of trees for grazing. Only he didn’t just settle for bulldozing all the trees, he decided to write his name in the process, thus creating the world’s largest signature.

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Successful Entrepreneur Will Pay You $25,000 if You Find Him a Girlfriend

A Kansas-based businessman tired of online dating has announced that he will pay $25,000 to whomever manages to find him a suitable girlfriend.

47-year-old Jeff Gebhart doesn’t need someone to complete him, but he would like to meet someone to share his amazing life with, and he is willing to pay a small fortune to make that happen. The eligible bachelor claims that he has grown tired of traditional dating and hates online dating services, so he decided to try something special. Last week, he launched the website “Date Jeff G.” and announced that he would gladly pay $25,000 to the person who can find him a girlfriend that matches his criteria.

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Horsetail Falls – The Yosemite Waterfall That Turns Into a Natural Firefall in February

A temporary waterfall in Yosemite National Park has become a popular tourist attraction in the mouth of February, because under the right conditions sunlight makes the water flowing down the rock face look like fire, hence its nickname, Yosemite Firefall.

Every year, from December to April, water from melting mountain snow flows toward the eastern edge of El Capitan, forming the temporary Horsetail Falls. The waterfall itself is quite a sight to behold, but it becomes truly breathtaking for a few days (7 -10) in February, when, under the right conditions, it turns into a firefall, with the water looking like flowing lava and swirling flames. The Yosemite Firefall is considered one of the most amazing spectacles one can behold in Yosemite National Park.

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Blind Man Allegedly Regains Eye Sight After Being Hit by Car

A Polish man who was allegedly blind for twenty years, miraculously recovered his vision after being hit by a car while crossing the street.

Until a couple of years ago, Janusz Goraj, from the city of Gorzow Wielkopolski, was completely blind in his left eye, and could only discern shadows and light with his right one. He had lost his eyesight 20 years ago, as a side-effect of severe allergies, and had become accustomed to living in almost total darkness. But one day in 2018, a miracle happened. Janusz was crossing the street on a crosswalk when he was violently hit by a car. He hit his head on the car’s hood as well as on the asphalt as he fell. To make matters worse, he also damaged his hip, and ended up needing surgery on it. But little did he know that the accident was a blessing in disguise.

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Indonesia’s Real-Life Spiderman Fights Littering and Plastic Pollution

After struggling to convince members of his community to join him in making their streets and beaches cleaner by picking up trash, an Indonesian man put on a superhero outfit in hopes of becoming more convincing.

Rudi Hartono, a cafe worker from Pare-Pare, South Sulawesi, had long been struggling to persuade residents of his small coastal community to get more involved in keeping their home clean by picking up the plastic trash strewn on streets and beaches, but had had little success. But then he put on a Spiderman suit just to amuse his nephew, and people took notice. He accidentally became somewhat of a local role-model, and people started following his example.

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Adorable Pooch Breaks World Record for Most Tennis Balls in a Dog’s Mouth

A six-year-old Labrador Retriever from Canandaigua, New York recently set a new world record befitting his playful personality – most tennis balls held in a dog’s mouth at once.

Finley the dog loves tennis balls so much that he has developed a very special skill – picking up and holding up to six balls in his mouth, without any assistance from a human. His owners, the Molloy family, first noticed the pooch’s talent when he was two years old. Back then, he could fit up to four tennis balls in his mouth at once, but before they knew it, Finley started showing up with five balls between his teeth, and then finally with six, which stretched his cheeks to the extreme.

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The Amazingly Realistic Paper Bird Sculptures of Diana Beltran Herrera

Colombian artist Diana Beltran Herrera creates incredibly realistic bird sculptures by carefully attaching bits of colored paper.

To say Diana Beltran Herrera’s hands are super-precise instruments would be an understatement. The talented artist uses her innate dexterity and years of practice to create amazingly-detailed models of various birds, from the common sparrow to tropical parrots, out of bits of glued paper. To represent the birds as they are in nature, Herrera makes her sculptures life-size. Over the last decade, she has created paper sculptures of hundreds of bird species.

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Australian Town Struggles to Cope with Bat Invasion of Biblical Proportions

The town of Ingham, in Northern Queesnland, has reached “crisis point” after hundreds of thousands of fruit bats invaded the place last month. Things have gotten so bad that kids are afraid to go to school anymore, and rescue helicopters can’t land at the local hospital.

Flying foxes, also known as fruit bats currently outnumber humans in Ingham by hundreds of thousands. And they’re not the only bat species that decided to make the Australian town their home over the last month. According to local sources, people here have been invaded by four different species of bats, each of which mates at different times, making it really hard for authorities to intervene. To make matters worse, the bats are protected by law, so locals can’t take matters into their own hands either.

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Russian Police Officers Busted for Faking Drug Bust

A couple of police officers in Russia were convicted for busting a drug den that they had created themselves in order to boost their performance rating.

Senior detective Ivan Mantrov and Yury Titov, the head of a police station in the Russian city of Kostroma, allegedly convinced three locals to produce the illegal synthetic drug desomorphine, aka “crocodile”, in an apartment, even offering to supply the necessary ingredients, which are thought to have been sourced from the police’s evidence stores. The two officers convinced the victims – known drug users already under investigation in another case – to set up the drug then by promising to help them get off on bail.

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Canadian Businessman Claims He Burned $1 Million to Avoid Paying Ex-Wife Child Support

A 55-year-old Ottawa businessman recently shocked a court of law by claiming that he literally burned one million Canadian dollars in cash just to avoid paying his ex-wife child support, as part of their divorce settlement.

Bruce McConville told a judge that he withdrew about 1 million Canadian dollars – roughly $750,000 – in 25 separate withdrawals from six separate bank accounts, and burned it all in two separate bonfires, CA$743,000 on Sept. 23 and CA$296,000 on Dec. 15. He claimed to have receipts to prove he withdrew the money, but that no one had seen him actually burn the money, and that the bonfires had not been video taped. McConville told the judge that he burned the money out of frustration with the divorce proceedings, even though he knew that he was undermining the interest of his children.

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Limb-Extending Surgery Is Apparently Becoming Popular Among Men Wanting to Be Taller

A Las Vegas limb-lengthening clinic has been getting a lot of attention online this week for offering people the chance to add a few inches to their stature through minimally invasive surgery.

The LimbPlastX Institute charges up to $75,000 to add up to six inches to patients’ height, a hefty price that many are more than willing to pay to overcome their height complex. Dr Kevin Debiparshad, a consultant at the clinic, said that 30 men sign up for the life-changing procedure in 2019 alone, with even more procedures lined up for 2020, especially after the recent media exposure. The procedure surprisingly lasts only 1.5 hours and involves incisions into the leg bones and the insertion of a special stretching device. The full results are only visible after about a year.

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The Crazy Transformations on South Korea’s Controversial Plastic Surgery Reality Show

Plastic surgery has always fascinated people, so it’s no surprise that shows like Botched or Extreme Makeover are so popular, but nowhere in the world is going under the knife more mainstream than in South Korea, so it makes sense that the Asian country’s own plastic surgery reality show is bigger than any Western shows can ever hope to get.

Let Me In is a hit reality TV show about transforming poor and socially excluded women through plastic surgery in order to give them better lives. But we’re not talking about a simple nose job, some lip fillers and lots of makeup here, most of the candidates chosen to go under the knife come out looking unrecognizable, with some displaying different bone structure and completely changed general features, like the shape of their eyes and mouth. Let Me In has been running for a decade now, and it continues to be a massive television success, although it has also attracted its share of criticism for glorifying plastic surgery.

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