Woman Jailed for Allegedly Cutting Off Her Hand for Insurance Payout

A young Slovenian woman was recently sentenced to two years in prison for allegedly cutting off her hand with a circular saw in order to cash a $1.2 million insurance payout.

22-year-old Julija Adlesic allegedly conspired with her boyfriend and her father to commit insurance fraud in an attempt to collect $1.2 million in insurance payouts. The young Slovenian maintains that her injury was accidental, not premeditated, adding that no one in their right mind would want to become crippled at age 20, not for all the money in the world. However, prosecutors provided enough evidence that Adlesic and her co-conspirators had planned the so-called “accident” to get convictions against all of them. Julija got a 2-year prison sentence, her boyfriend, who was accused of putting her up to it, has been sentenced to three years in prison, while the woman’s father got a one year suspended sentence.

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Self-Described ‘Trans Satanist Anarchist’ Wins Republican Nomination for County Sheriff

Aria DiMezzo, a self-described “transsexual Satanist anarchist” who ran for the sheriff’s job in Cheshire County, New Hampshire, with the campaign slogan “F*** the Police”, decisively won the Republican nomination this weekend.

DiMezzo said that she had expected to lose to a write-in candidate, adding that her surprising victory proves “the system is utterly and hopelessly broken”. She went on to explain that any system that a system that allows thousands of people to walk into a voting booth and vote despite not knowing anything about the person they are nominating for the most powerful law-enforcement position in the county is undoubtedly broken. The young GOP nominee claims that she has always been upfront about who and what she is, but that the very fact that she won shows just how “clueless the average voter is”.

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World’s Longest Golf Course Spans 1,365 Kilometers, Takes 5 Days to Complete

There are some long golf courses out there, some covering over 8,000 yards, but they all seem tiny when compared to the world’s longest golf course, which spans a whopping 1,365 kilometers.

Nullabor Links is an 8-hole par-72 golf course that stretches along the Eyre Highway, from Kalgoorlie in Western Australia to Ceduna in South Australia. Legend has it that the course was created to give truck drivers something to do on this remote stretch of road, but according to several sources, it was just a wacky idea born over a few bottles of wine between two golf enthusiasts looking for a way to keep tourists along Eyre Highway in the area for longer. Their concept, to create the world’s longest golf course proved a huge hit, one that continues to grow in popularity.

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Court Decides 22-Year-Old Woman Must Bring Up 2-Year-Old Brother, Because Their Parents Can’t Afford to

Chinese social media has been abuzz about the controversial story of a couple who took their own daughter to court in order to make her raise her toddler brother, because they couldn’t afford to.

According to several news reports in China, a couple who for several years had survived on their child’s monthly allowance alone decided to have a second child. They soon realized that they couldn’t actually afford to take care of the child, so they asked their 22-year-old daughter to raise the toddler on their behalf. The girl, referred to only as Le Le in the media, had managed to support herself through college and was dreaming about building a career for herself when she got the news of her new “job” from her parents. She flat out refused to bring up her brother by herself, so her parents sued her.

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Indian Boy Claims He Was Bitten by the Same Wild Snake Eight Times in a Single Month

A 17-year-old teenager from India’s Uttar Pradesh state is allegedly living in fear after being bitten by the same wild snake a whopping eight times in a single month.

Yashraj Mishra, from Rampur village in Basti district, reportedly lives in constant fear after being targeted by a snake for reasons that remain unknown. After learning of his plight, the 17-year-old’s family took him to the village doctor for treatment and also appealed to snake charmers, but nothing seemed to stop the snake. After he was bitten for the third time, the family even shipped the teen to a relative’s home in a neighboring village, but the slithering reptile allegedly tracked him down and bit him again…

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23-Year-Old Builds His Own Functional Batmobile

A young Vietnamese fan of the Dark Knight spent 10 months and over $20,000 building his own functional Batmobile.

Nguyen Dac Chung, a 23-year-old architecture student from Hanoi had always dreamed of driving his very own Tumbler, the iconic Batmobile showcased in Christopher Nolan’s ‘The Dark Knight’ trilogy, and last year he decided to make his dream a reality. He poured 10 months of work and over 500 million VND ($21,700) of his own money into this project and he now has his very own life-size, functional Tumbler. Although it’s only 90 percent complete, Nguyen Dac Chung has already been attracting attention on Hanoi’s street and has been featured by major Vietnamese news outlets.

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15-Year-Old Girl Claims People Always Mistake Her Youthful-Looking Father for Her Boyfriend

A 15-year-old Chinese girl and her youthful-looking father have been getting a lot of attention on Asian social media recently because they look more like a romantic couple than father and daughter.

Qi Bao and her 35-year-old father have always been very close, but their relationship has become a bit more complicated recently, because as she grew up, her father seemed to retain his ageless look to the point where her colleagues and teachers started asking her if she had started dating. 35-years-old is not exactly old, but there is still a 20 year difference between the two, although you honestly could not tell from the photos below.

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Amazon Drivers Hanging Smartphones in Trees to Get More Deliveries

Amazon contract delivery drivers in Chicago are allegedly hanging their smartphones outside warehouses and delivery points to boost their chances of getting delivery orders.

Major news outlet Bloomberg last week reported on a strange new trend among Amazon and Whole foods contract drivers in Chicago – hanging their smartphones in trees close to the companies’ warehouses and parking their cars nearby to get first dibs on accepting new delivery orders. Amazon’s system allegedly chooses drivers based on who is closest to the pickup location, so even the slightest advantage over the stiff competition among drivers can boost chances of getting access to the offers first. The phones in the trees have the Amazon Flex app installed and are synched with other phones belonging to other drivers, to make it harder for Amazon to detect offenders.

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Japanese Restaurant Finds Success With “Delivery Macho” Service

After struggling to stay open during the Covid-19 pandemic, a sushi restaurant in Japan’s Aichi Prefecture, has found success with an ingenious “macho delivery” service that involves using buff bodybuilders as delivery boys.

Masanori Sugiura, a third-generation owner of the 60-year-old sushi restaurant Imazushi in the city of Anjo, started working out at the gym when he was in his 20s, but he never imagined that his hobby would one day help him keep his family business afloat. The trained chef had seen his profits plummet from the usual 100 million yen ($940,000) for the April-June quarter, to just 10 million yen, because of the coronavirus, and at one point had cut his staff from 50 to just four. But then he had a wacky idea to put his muscles to work as a way of attracting new business, and the “Delivery Macho” service was born.

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Man Leaves Window Open for Five Months, Finds Apartment Invaded by Pigeons

A UK student who left his apartment window open before going away for five months found his home covered in bird droppings after it was taken over by pigeons.

20-year-old Oluwageorge Johnson had to leave his rented apartment in Nottingham in a hurry back in March, after his parents turned up to take him home, because of Covid-19. He forgot a window open, and after seeing no activity for several days, pigeons decided to make the apartment their home. No one disturbed the birds for over five months, until a few days ago when accommodation workers heard some strange sounds coming from the flat and went in to investigate. They found the whole place covered in bird droppings, eggs in the kitchen sink and pigeon feathers everywhere.

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The Exquisite Surrealist Tattoos of Arlo DiCristina

Over the years, we’ve featured some exceptionally talented tattoo artists on Oddity Central, but when it comes to surrealism and face morph tattoos, few can match Arlo DiCristina.

DiCristina, who goes by @ArloTattoos on social media, has been practicing tattooing since he was a teenager, and now runs his own tattoo shop, Elysium Studios, in Grand Junction, Colorado. He rose to fame a few years ago, when one of his projects, a portrait of iconic Batman villain, Joker, with his face interwoven into a skyline of Gotham City, went viral on social media, gaining praise from both tattoo enthusiasts as well as other inking masters. The name Arlo DiCristina has been linked to surrealist and face morph tattoos ever since and he has accepted the association as a badge of honor, specializing in the the two tattooing styles.

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White Woman from Kansas Spends Years Pretending to Be Black

Jessica A Krug, a professor of African American history at George Washington University, spent years pretending to be of North African, then Caribbean descent despite actually being a white, Jewish woman from Kansas.

In a case oddly reminiscent of Rachel Dolezal’s story from a few years ago, and American academic and author whose worked focused on Africa and African American history spent years pretending to be of African descent. It’s not clear why she made the decision to oust herself after so long, but in an article allegedly published by Krug herself she admitted that her career was rooted in a “toxic soil of lies”.

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The Mysterious ‘Fairy Circles’ of Namibia

Legend says that they are footprints of the gods, others believe that they are UFO landing sights, and scientists have their own theories, but the truth is that no one really knows how the fairy circles dotting the Namib coastal desert came to be.

Fairy circles are uniformly distributed round gaps in arid grassland across the Namib which look like polka dots on fabric when see from the air. Until 2014, they were known to only occur along the Namib Desert in southern Africa, but then almost identical formations were discovered near the mining town of Newman in Western Australia. Still, the fairy circles of Namibia remain the most famous and fascinating to the scientists who have studied them since the 1970’s. Theories about their formation and purpose abounds, but so far no one has been able to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that theirs is the true answer to this decades-old enigma.

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Young Artist Creates Impressively Detailed Illustrations With a Typewriter

At only 23 years of age, James Cook is already one of the world’s premier typewriter artists, and looking at his works it’s easy to see why.

The young architecture student got into typewriter art about five years ago, after reading about Paul Smith, another famous typewriter artist who couldn’t use a pencil or paintbrush to do drawings, because of his severe cerebral palsy. Cook was inspired by the story and intrigued about typewriter art, so he decided to give it a try. It was love at first sight, and after buying his first typewriter from an elderly couple looking to sell up their heap of antiques, James started using it to create illustrations and portraits.

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Mysterious Funnel-Like Crater Opens Up in Remote Arctic Tundra

A gaping, funnel-like hole estimated to be at least 50-meters-deep has been discovered in a remote area of the arctic, on the Yamal Peninsula, in Siberia.

Discovered accidentally from the air by a Vesti Yamal television crew en route from an unrelated assignment, the mysterious crater is the latest to be spotted in northern Siberia since the phenomenon was originally documented, in 2014. Chunks of soil and ice were thrown hundreds of metres around the funnel, which strengthens scientists’ theory that such craters are the result of methane gas buildups in pockets of thawing permafrost under the surface of the Earth. As pressure increases, the “lid” of the pocket is blown off and the methane gas is released.

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