Young Women Dress as Grannies in Failed Attempt to Get Covid-19 Vaccine Faster

Two Florida women were recently caught trying to get their second doses of the Covid-19 vaccine by disguising themselves as old ladies, to pass as eligible for the sought-after jab.

Florida Department of Health in Orange County recently reported the bizarre case of two women, aged 34 and 44, who went to a coronavirus vaccination site “dressed up as grannies,” in order to appear over 65, and thus eligible for a vaccine. Speaking at a conference, last Thursday, Dr. Raul Pino, the health administrator for Orange County said that the women were wearing bonnets, gloves, and glasses in an attempt to make themselves look older. Staff at the center noticed that they “looked funny”, and police were called.

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Self-Cleaning Underwear Can Allegedly Be Worn for Weeks Without Becoming Smelly

A Minnesota company has created what it calls “the world’s cleanest underwear”, an innovative self-cleaning undergarment that can be worn daily for weeks, even months, without becoming smelly.

HercLéon, a material innovation group known for creating the world’s first self-cleaning socks, t-shirts and bedsheets, is now taking on the underwear industry with Kribi, a line of undergarments made from a bacteria-fighting fabric. This revolutionary material, called HercFiber continuously destroys all bacteria and stays clean without needing a wash. All you have to do is let the underwear “air out” for a bit after wearing them, and you can safely put them on again the next day.

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Baikal Zen – Rare Phenomenon Makes Rocks Look Like They Are Floating Above Water

In winter, Siberia’s Lake Baikal becomes the scene of a rare natural phenomenon known as “Baikal Zen”. Large stones balance on thin ice “legs” above the surface of the lake, making it seem like they are floating in the air.

Lake Baikal is a fascinating body of water. It’s so large it can easily be mistaken for a sea, it is also the deepest and oldest lake on Earth, as well as the largest freshwater lake by volume. But these are only the most well-known facts about Lake Baikal. There are other more mysterious things going on there, some of which give the place a mystical, almost magical aura. Take the phenomenon known as Baikal Zen, for example – large, Zen-like pebbles balancing precariously on a thin ice pillar, above the frozen surface of the lake. Scientists have been studying this rare phenomenon for years, and we still don’t have a unanimously accepted explanation for it.

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Rare Condition Makes Sound of Other People’s Breathing Unbearable to Sufferer

A Scottish woman suffering from a rare condition called misophonia is so annoyed by the sound of other people’s breathing that she once asked doctors to surgically make her deaf.

Misophonia is described as a strong dislike or hatred of specific sounds, which triggers strong  emotional or physiological responses that would be considered unreasonable by most people. Also known as “sound sensitivity syndrome”, this condition can trigger all kinds of reactions, from anger to panic, or the need to flee and escape the maddening sound. Think of a sound that drives you crazy, multiply it by a factor of 100 and you can get an idea of what experiencing misophonia feels like.

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Couple Chain Themselves Together For Three Months in Ultimate Test of Love

A young Ukrainian couple decided to really put their relationship to the test by linking their hands together with a thick iron chain for a period of three months.

This year, Alexander and Viktoria, a young couple from the Ukraine, decided to celebrate Valentine’s Day a bit differently. On February 14, they traveled to Kiev to have their hands chained and sealed together by a representative of the country’s national register of records. Their goal is to literally be next to each every moment, for the next three months. That includes sleeping, bathing together and, obviously, even going to the toilet together.

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Indonesian Woman Claims Gust of Wind Left Her Pregnant

Indonesian police are investigating the strange case of a 25-year-old woman who claims that she gave birth just an hour after a gust of wind got her pregnant.

The young woman, identified as Siti Zainah, ahs become the subject of widespread ridicule in Indonesia after claiming to have been impregnated by a gust of wind, on February 10. Furthermore, Zainah added that she gave birth to a baby girl just an hour after the alleged impregnation. According to several Indonesian news outlets, the 25-year-old was relaxing at home in Cianjur, West Java, with her first child, when she felt the wind enter her body. A few minutes later, she went into labor.

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Police Order Man to Spend 3 Days With Family, 3 Days With Girlfriend, Take 1 Day Off

Police in the Indian state of Jharkhand were in the news recently for settling a marital dispute by ordering a man to spend three days a week with his wife, three days with his girlfriend, and take one day off from both.

It all started when Rajesh Mahato, a married man from Kokar Tiril Road, in Ranchi, decided to get himself a girlfriend as well. Because he was so infatuated with his new conquest and didn’t want to lose her, the man never told her he was married. Instead, he convinced her to elope with him, leaving his wife and child behind without so much as a goodbye. Only things didn’t end there. The man’s wife filed a complaint with police, as did the parents of Rajesh’s girlfriend, who accused him of kidnapping. And that’s just the start of this crazy tale…

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The Body-Painting Illusions of Gesine Marwedel

Gesine Marwedel is a talented body-painting artist who has the power to transform the naked bodies of her models into mind-bending optical illusions.

From swans, to owls, to dolphins, there doesn’t seem to be anything that German artist Gesine Marwedel can’t morph her models into, using body paint. But while most of her works are illusory in nature, obscuring parts of the human body, while transforming others into something new entirely, some are simply abstract works of art, with a deeper meaning.

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Indian Man Turns Barren Land Into 10,000-Tree Orchard

An Indian man who started planting trees in a barren, sand-filled field 15 years ago is now being praised for transforming the wasteland into a 10,000-tree orchard.

Satyendra Gautam Manjhi, a simple man from the small village of Imaliyachak, in the Indian state of Bihar, claims he was inspired to start planting trees after being visited by Dashrath Manjhi, known as “the man who moved a mountain“. The story of how he spent over 20 years chiseling away at a mountain to make a road to his village has inspired a generation, including the protagonist of this story. Satyendrav says that Dashrath himself told him to start planting an orchard, and that’s exactly what he did.

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The Hottest Place On Earth Feels Like Walking on a Hot Iron Pan

Iran’s Dasht-e Lut desert is only the 25th largest desert in the world, but it holds the record for the highest ;and surface temperature ever recorded, over 70 degrees Celsius.

Dasht-e Lut (Persian for “Emptiness Plain”) is a large salt desert that, scientists believe, formed on the bottom of a sea. Millions of years ago, tectonic shifts caused the bottom of the sea to rise, with the water slowly evaporating due to the high temperatures. Today, it’s a barren land about 51,800 square kilometers in size, surrounded by mountains on all sides, which contributes to the record-setting temperatures recorded here, as they prevent humid air from the Mediterranean and Arabian Seas to reach it.

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23-Year-Old Mother of 11 Has No Plans to Stop Growing Her Family

A 23-year-old Russian woman has become a mother of 11 in just 10 months time, after turning to surrogates in order to have as many babies as possible, as quickly as possible.

Christina Ozturk only gave birth once, at the age of 17, when she had her first daughter Vika, but after marrying millionaire husband Galip Ozturk, 56, she was keen on building a big family with him, so she turned to surrogate mothers to have 10 babies in just 10 months. The couple’s first child together, Mustafa, was born in March of last year, while their most recent addition to the family and tenth child together, Olivia, was born last month. Christina and Galip don’t know how many children they’ll end up having together, but they definitely don’t plan on stopping at 10.

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Man Phones Police to Confess to Fake Murder in Hopes of Having Road Cleared of Snow

After having the road to his home blocked by heavy snowfalls, a Ukrainian man decided to call police and confess to a fictitious murder, in hopes that they would clear the road in order to reach him.

According to police sources, on Saturday, February 13 an unnamed man from the village of Grybova Rudnya, in Ukraine’s Chernihiv region, phoned the national emergency number and confessed to a gruesome murder. He said that he and his stepfather had gotten into an argument, and he had ended up stabbing the elderly man repeatedly in the chest with a knife. The victim had collapsed, and was not breathing. The self-confessed attacker added that he was willing to turn himself in, if police could reach his home.

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Iron Shoe Training – Man Exercises by Walking With 150 Kg. Attached to His Feet

A Chinese man has been getting a lot of attention on Asian social media, because of his unique training regimen – walking with 150 kg of steel plates attached to his feet.

Zhang Enshun, a 42-year-old man from Yulin City, in China’s Guangxi province, has been training in the art of “iron shoes” for the last five months, and has already made significant progress. After seeing news reports of people working out by walking with heavy weights attached to their feet, and hearing them talk about the benefits of this training, Zhang decided to try it for himself. He began by attaching one steel plate, weighing around 18.75 kilograms, to each of his feet and trying to take a few steps with it. Today, he can walk around with four of these heavy plates attached to each foot, for a total weight of 150 kilograms.

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Drunk on Art – The Wine Paintings of Sanja Jankovic

Young Serbian artist Sanja Jankovic creates beautiful paintings by using various types of wine – red, white, rosé – instead of oil paint, watercolors or acrylics.

Sanja Jankovic has always tried turning things into art mediums, and after giving wine a go, she stuck with it. Not only did the end result look really cool, but the challenge of painting with wine was itself exciting. The talented artist was now limited to tones of red, pink and purple, but that only made things more interesting. The art form, which Jankovic has named “winerelle”, a play on ‘wine’ and ‘aquarelle’, is very unpredictable, as the wine continues to age on the canvas, so the artworks themselves develop over time.

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Chinese Actress’ Nose Tip Dies After Botched Plastic Surgery

Popular Chinese film actress Gao Liu recently posted photos of her damaged nose on social media, as a warning about the possible dangers of plastic surgery done wrong.

Liu, a young singer and actress who has starred in multiple films and TV programs and was considered an up-and-coming star in China, had gone off the radar in recent months, which led many to speculate about her well-being. Earlier this month, the actress took to her Weibo account to explain that her unexpected absence had been caused by a botched nose job which had resulted in part of her nose tissue actually dying and falling off. Gao Liu also shared photos of her “plastic surgery nightmare“, which sparked an online debate about cosmetic surgery, which has become very popular in China in recent years.

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