Teen Girl Injects Herself with HIV-Positive Boyfriend’s Blood “To Prove Her Love”

A 15-year-old girl in India allegedly came up with a bizarre way of proving her love to her HIV-positive boyfriend – injecting herself with his blood.

Ah, the things we do for love… Are sometimes pretty darn stupid and dangerous. Take this bizarre story for a teenage girl from India’s Assam state, who apparently decided to show her boyfriend how much she loved him by injecting herself with his blood, knowing full well that he was HIV-positive. News of this unusual show of affection shocked not only the 15-year-old’s family, but the entire nation, with articles going viral on social media over the last week.

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Thai Woman Allegedly Hires ‘Presentable’ Mistress For Her Husband

A 44-year-old married woman sparked controversy in Thailand after allegedly posting a job ad seeking “presentable and educated” women to fill the position of mistress for her husband.

Speaking out of her Bangkok apartment, the woman, identified as Pattheema Chamnan, recently said that she hasn’t been sleeping with her husband for a while, which makes her feel like a bad wife. To make up for it, she is looking to hire a mistress for him, one that can please him “physically”, but also have a pleasant personality and good communication skills. Chamnan offered the region’s minimum wage for the job $450), plus free meals and accommodation in the family home. As outrageous as the offer might seem to some, the Thai woman said that she has already shortlisted two candidates for the job.

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Hooded Pitohui – The World’s First Scientifically-Confirmed Poisonous Bird

The hooded pitohui, a small bird endemic to Papua New Guinea, is the first and only scientifically-confirmed poisonous bird in the world.

The Melanesian people of Papua New Guinea have long known to keep their hands off of hooded pitohui, but to the western world, the bird’s toxic potential was only discovered by chance just over three decades ago. In 1990, ornithologist Jack Dumbacher was on the Pacific island looking for birds of paradise. He had set up delicate mist nets between the trees to catch them and ended up with some hooded pitohui birds in them as well. As he tried to grab the birds out of the traps, they scratched and bit his fingers, and he instinctively put his hands in his mouth to soothe the pain. Almost immediately, Dumbacher felt his lips and tongue go numb. They then started to burn and did so for hours. Later, suspecting that the symptoms were caused by the bird, he took a pitohui feather and put it in his mouth. The numbness and ensuing pain quickly returned. He had unknowingly discovered the world’s first poisonous bird.

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The Ladoum – Senegal’s Star Sheep Can Cost More Than a Car

The Ladoum sheep, known as the “king of sheep” in Senegal, is considered a mark of prestige and a status symbol in the African country, with prices for top specimens exceeding $85,000.

A hybrid of the Mauritanian ‘Touabire’ breed and the Malian ‘Bali-bali’, the Ladoum was first bred outside Senegal’s capital of Dakar in the early 1970s. For such a young breed, the Ladoum is incredibly popular in the West-African nation, with well-off families and breeders spending small fortunes on a specimen, and those who can’t afford one dreaming of one day having enough money to buy it. To understand just how revered the Ladoum is, in a country where about 40 percent of the population lives on $1.90 per day, some people spend tens of thousands of dollars on a single sheep.

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Self-Taught Mom Creates Exquisite Anime-Inspired Lunchbox Art

Classic bento box arrangement can be considered an art form in itself, but there are some artistically gifted people that can take it to a whole other level.

Bento box art, aka kyaraben, is a big deal in Japan, so big in fact that it has its own social media platform where professional and amateur artists alike can share their creations. But even on there, some talents stand out, and that is definitely the case with Riyu Yuda, a young mother-of-one who started making bento box art as a way to make her four-year-old son enjoy the healthy treats she made for him. She specializes in anime-inspired edible compositions, creating detailed edible portraits of popular characters.

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Japanese Robotics Company Creates Humanoid Heavy Machinery

A Japanese robotics company has been getting a lot of attention for its unique heavy machinery – a humanoid industrial robot that can be remote controlled by a human.

With so much focus on artificial intelligence and concepts like ‘the singularity’, we sometimes forget that robots have been around for a long time and that they can be pretty valuable tools even without advanced machine learning or even the possibility to move around on their own. Think about the industrial robots in modern automated car factories, or those mine-clearing robots that help human lives, just to name a couple of examples. Now, one Japanese company is trying to bring attention back to these humble creations with an ingenious humanoid heavy-duty robot capable of performing all kinds of useful chores while also appealing to fans of mecha manga and anime.

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Man Steals So he Can Get Arrested Because He Can’t Afford to Be Free

A 60-year-old man in Thailand recently caused shockwaves throughout the island nation after he stole from a pharmacy so he would get arrested and go to jail because he was too poor to make ends meet.

The unusual incident reportedly happened in the afternoon of July 29, 2022 at a pharmacy in Chonburi province, south of Bangkok. The 60-year-old man, later identified as Phichit by the police, was caught stealing three bars of soap worth THB17 ($0.47) by the staff. The place had very clear warnings against shoplifting, with perpetrators risking fines of up to 30 times the value of the stolen goods and even jail time. However, in this case, the staff was willing to let the old man off the hook, and a bystander even offered to pay the fine for him. But he wouldn’t have it, insisting that the staff call the police on him…

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China’s “Mistress Persuading Master” Specializes in Convincing Mistresses to End Their Affairs

Wang Zhenxi, a young woman from Luoyang, Henan Province, is known as one of China’s premier “mistress persuading teachers”, professionals who convince mistresses to end their affairs with married men.

Extramarital affairs are frowned upon in virtually all cultures around the world, but China is perhaps the only country in the world to have not one, but at least two professions that deal specifically with this type of relationship. One is the “mistress killer,” a type of detective/vigilante that helps scorned wives reveal their husbands’ infidelities and also exact revenge on the mistresses. The other is the “mistress persuading teacher” who relies on more diplomatic techniques to convince mistresses to end their affairs and allow their partners to return to their families. One such persuasion master was recently profiled by a major Chinese newspaper, after it became known that she had once managed to persuade over 800 mistresses in a single year.

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Fired Construction Worker Uses Excavator to Destroy Luxury Homes

A disgruntled excavator operator who allegedly got fired by their employer recently took revenge by destroying several luxury homes in Ontario’s exclusive Muskoka Marina.

A 59-year-old man has been charged with mischief and slapped with a $5,000 fine after a viral video circulating online showed him using an excavator to severely damage several properties in Muskoka Marina, a popular summer retreat of the rich and famous in Ontario. Police officers who arrived on the scene just after 9 p.m. on July 21st discovered “significant damage” to the marina on Lake Rosseau in Muskoka Lakes Township, but no suspect. It was only after a video recorded by a local went viral on Twitter that the 59-year-old perpetrator was identified. He is now scheduled to appear in court and risks spending time behind bars.

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Court Orders Mistress to Pay $560,000 to Lover’s Wife

A Chinese court recently issued a controversial ruling, ordering a woman to pay 3.79 million yuan ($560,000) to her lover’s wife, because their relationship wasn’t recognized by law.

Scorned wives suing their husbands’ lovers isn’t unheard of. On the contrary, a quick Google search of the phrase “alienation of affection” reveals that it’s still quite a common practice, although this law tort was abolished in many jurisdictions around the world. But whereas that refers to one spouse suing a third party for damaging their marriage and usually leading to divorce, a recent case in China saw one wife sue her husband’s mistress to return all the material possessions he had given her during their affair. The court sided with the woman and ordered the mistress to pay a whopping 3.79 million yuan to her lover’s wife.

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Groom Abandons Bride During Marriage Ceremony After His Mother Calls Her Short And Ugly

A Tunisian woman has been receiving messages of support from around the world after being dumped at the altar because her would-be mother-in-law didn’t like how she looked.

Last week, Lamia al-Labawi, a young woman from Tunisia, took to Facebook to share the sad story of how what was supposed to be the best day of her life turned into a nightmare. She and her partner of four years were supposed to be married; everything had been arranged and they had spent a lot of money to make sure everything went according to plan, but the one thing they hadn’t taken into account was the groom’s mother. Lamia said that she had never met the woman in person before, and instead of a warm welcome into the family, all she received from her on her wedding day was vitriol.

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Politician Drinks Water from Polluted ‘Holy River’ to Prove It Is Clean, Ends Up in Hospital

An Indian politician who drank a glass of water straight out of a polluted ‘holy river’ to show locals that it was safe to drink was reportedly airlifted to a hospital a couple of days later.

On Sunday, July 17, while visiting Sultanpurlodhi, Bhagwant Mann, Chief Minister of Punjab, pulled off a rather daring publicity stunt, one that reportedly cost him an emergency hospital visit. Accompanied by reporters, local officials and Sikh elders, Mann at one point bent down, scooped water right out of the Kali Bein rivulet and downed it to show everyone that it was safe to drink. That got cheers and applause from those around the politician, but they probably had no idea how dirty and polluted the river actually was.

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Chichibugahama – Japan’s Instafamous Mirror Beach

Chichibugahama Beach is a popular tourist destination in Mitoyo City, Japan which rose to fame thanks to photo-sharing social media platforms like Instagram.

If you ever find ourself doubting the power of social media, just remember the story of Chichibugahama Beach. A once obscure seaside destination in Japan’s Kagawa Prefecture, this place turned into a magnet for Instagram influencers virtually overnight. It all started in 2016 when authorities in Mitoyo City organized a photo competition to boost local tourism. One of the most eye-catching entries featured two children reflected in the shallow waters of Chichibugahama, and the visual effect was so stunning that the idea of using this mirror effect as a tourist draw turned into a marketing success story.

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Kaketsugi – Japan’s Invisible Cloth Mending Technique

Kaketsugi – literally ‘invisible mending’ in Japanese – is an amazing cloth mending technique from Japan that involves repairing damaged cloth to the point where you can’t even tell it was ever damaged.

With fast fashion being more popular than ever, cloth mending isn’t nearly as necessary as it once was. Got a tear in one of your socks? Just throw it in the trash and get a new pair, they’re cheap and readily available. The same goes for virtually any other garment, so needle and thread mending is a slowly disappearing craft. But what about special garments, what happens when something truly special and dear to our hearts becomes damaged? You can’t just go out and replace something of sentimental value, but you can’t wear it with a hole in it either. That’s where the magical art of kaketsugi comes in.

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Jealous Woman Allegedly Tried to Hire Killer to Murder Coworker Dating Their Boss

A young English woman is being accused of trying to hire a killer on the dark web in order to have a co-worker and love rival murdered so she could have their boss all to herself.

26-year-old Whitney Franks allegedly tried to have a female co-worker murdered because she had started a romantic affair with her love interest, their boss. Franks reportedly started working at a Sports Direct store in Milton Keynes in 2015, a year after the store manager, James Prest, took over the branch. By 2016, the two had become romantically involved, despite the fact that Prest had a long-term partner and was a father-of-two. Things started going south for Franks in 2017, when another woman, Ruut Ruutna joined the store. By 2018, Prest and Ruutna had also begun an affair, which Franks couldn’t come to terms with. That same year, she left the Milton Keynes store to join another Sports Direct branch in nearby Bletchley, but jealousy just didn’t let her move on…

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