Man Lives Unnoticed Under Shopping Mall Staircase for Half a Year

Security guards at a shopping mall in Shanghai, China recently discovered a young man who had allegedly been living comfortably under a staircase for over six months.

Shopping malls are busy places, so keeping an eye on every suspicious-looking individual can be challenging even for the most attentive security guards, but failing to notice someone living in a shopping mall continuously for about half a year is a little suspicious in itself. And yet, that seems to have happened at a busy mall in Shanghai, where a young man managed to remain undiscovered for more than six months while living quite comfortably. According to a White Deer video that went viral, the unnamed young man had installed a sleeping tent under a secluded staircase in the building, along with a small desk and an office chair. He charged his laptop and mobile phone from the shopping mall electric outlets and managed to keep a very low profile.

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The Bizarre Case of a Teenager Who Was Killed by a Hickey on His Neck

A 17-year-old Mexican teenager died because of a brain embolism allegedly caused by the hickey his older girlfriend left on his neck during a date.

There is a viral video going around Latino TikTok these days about the tragic story of Julio Macías González, a 17-year-old teenager from Iztapalapa, Mexico, who died in 2016 because of a hickey. In the viral video, which has been doing the rounds online for about a week, an AI avatar of young Julio tells the tale of how he died after collapsing during dinner at his parents’ house. On August 25, 2016, while making out with his 24-year-old girlfriend, Julio got a hickey on his neck, but he didn’t think anything of it. After all, young lovers give themselves hickeys all the time, and they’re considered virtually harmless. But what the teen boy didn’t know was that in very rare cases, they can apparently be deadly…

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Rare Condition Makes 23-Year-Old Man Look Like 13-Year-Old Boy

23-year-old Luiz Augusto Márcio Marques stopped growing after undergoing a surgical procedure to remove a very rare and aggressive tumor. Today he looks like a 13-year-old boy.

Luiz, who is better known as Guto in his native city of Passo Fundo, in Southern Brazil, had a perfectly normal life until the age of 7, when he started experiencing excruciating headaches that began manifesting more frequently as time passed. None of the doctors his parents took him to could diagnose his condition correctly, and the headaches started affecting his school activity and his daily life. Some claimed that it was just a virus, while others said that it was a psychological condition, or that he was just making everything up because he was lazy. It was only after the boy suffered a seizure that he was taken to the city hospital where the real cause of his headaches was finally revealed…

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Student Finds Rat Head in School Lunch, School Insists It’s a Duck

A scandal known as ‘Rat Head Gate’ has been getting a lot of attention on Chinese social media after a student found what looks like a rat head in their cafeteria meal. The school claims it’s actually a duck head.

The incident reportedly occurred last week at the cafeteria of the Jiangxi Vocational Technical College of Industry Trade in Nanchang, China. While eating their lunch, a student found what looked like a rat’s head in their bowl of rice and pulled out their phone to record the discovery. They then confronted the cafeteria staff about it but were told that it wasn’t a rat’s head, but a duck’s head. The latter, along with duck necks are an important part of Chinese cuisine, but it wasn’t what the student had ordered, and it certainly didn’t look like a duck…

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Man Eats McDonald’s Three Times a Day for 100 Days, Loses 60 Pounds

A 57-year-old Nashville man claims that he has managed to lose 60 lbs (27kg) of body weight by eating McDonald’s fast food three times a day for 100 days straight.

If you’re trying to lose weight, fast food is probably the first thing you cut out, but one Nashville grandfather’s dieting experiment will probably make you see things from a totally different perspective. 57-year-old Kevin Maginnis had been doing a media tour explaining how he managed to lose a considerable amount of body weight by eating McDonald’s Big Macs, quarter-pounders, french fries, and apple fritters three times a day for 100 days straight. Maginnis also claims that the unusual diet also helped him bring down his cholesterol, blood sugar, as well as his heart attack risk rating. And all he did was cut the portions he ate in half…

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Japanese Cafe Fires Waitress for Mixing Her Own Blood in Cocktails

A young Japanese waitress has been accused of ‘borderline terrorism’ by her employers after it was discovered that she mixed her own blood into a patron’s cocktail.

The Mondaiji Con Cafe Daku (Problem Child Dark Cafe) in Sapporo, Japan opened its doors for the first time on March 3rd. It hoped to attract patrons willing to pay 2,500 yen (S$25) an hour to drink all they wanted by hiring ‘mentally unstable’ and ‘problematic’ girls dressed in dark, goth-style attires as waitresses. That idea backfired when one of the waitresses took her role a little too far by adding her blood into a cocktail, reportedly at the request of a customer. The cafe fired the young woman as soon as its management learned about the incident, and apologized to its clientele, describing the dangerous actions of the former employee as ‘borderline terrorism’.

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Man Learns His Online Girlfriend of One Year Was His Best Friend’s Wife

A Chinese man whose best friend’s wife had introduced him to his online girlfriend of over a year recently learned that the woman he had fallen in love with had actually been his friend’s wife trying to scam him.

Mr. Zhou, a middle-aged man from Xuchang, China’s Henan province, had been trying to raise money to start a family by growing watermelons in Myanmar. He had been gone for years, but he still kept in touch with his best friend, Xiao Li, to whom he confessed last year that his business was going well and that he wanted to meet a good woman. Li told him that his wife had a girlfriend who was also single and that she could introduce them. Because Zhou was still abroad tending to his fruit business, online dating was the only viable option. The two hit it off and agreed to continue their long-distance relationship until Zhou returned to China.

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Man Sues College Student Daughter For Refusing to Take Care of Him After Car Accident

A Chinese man ended up taking his daughter to court after she refused to neglect her duty as a university student in order to come home and take care of him following a car accident.

The man, surnamed Zhang, allegedly started calling and messaging his daughter after being involved in a car accident in his home city of Puyang, China’s Henan province. After repeatedly trying and failing to convince the young college student to come home and care for him, the man was shocked to find that his daughter had blocked his phone number. In a fit of rage, he filed a complaint with a local family court, asking her for 1,500 yuan ($215) in monthly alimony. Article 26 of the Chinese Civil Code stipulates that “adult children have the obligation to support and protect their parents”.

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23-Year-Old Multiple Personality Sufferer Plans Assisted Euthanasia to Deal With Her Condition

A 23-year-old successful French YouTuber recently shocked her nation by announcing that she plans to undergo assisted suicide to deal with her dissociative identity disorder (DID).

Le Journal d’Olympe is a popular YouTube channel with over 250,000 subscribers where a young French woman documents her life with dissociative identity disorder a mental condition formerly known as multiple personality disorder. The 23-year-old was reportedly the victim of severe trauma growing up and has developed a number of alternate personalities as a result. They sometimes take over and constantly having to struggle with this has apparently become too much for the young woman. She recently announced her plan to undergo assisted euthanasia in Belgium at the end of 2023.

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Matchmaking ‘Tinder Priest’ Has a Record of 270 Married Couples And 0 Divorces

Fernando Cuevas, a Spanish priest from the city of Valencia, has been dubbed the “Tinder Priest” because of his impressive matchmaking record – 270 marriages and no divorces.

Father Fernando’s matchmaking career began 14 years ago. he was walking with a young practicing Catholic man named Salva, when he was approached by a group of young women. Impressed by the beauty of the girls and knowing that they shared his Catholic values, Salva asked the priest to play matchmaker and introduce him to one of them. Five months later, Salva married one of the girls, Geles, a Fine Arts student, and Fernando Cuevas’ career as “Tinder Priest” began. He has been taking his role as a matchmaker for practicing Catholics very seriously ever since.

Realizing that Western society was becoming increasingly secularized, and that practicing Catholics were finding it difficult to meet romantic prospects who shared their core values and beliefs, Fernando Cuevas took it upon himself to help them.

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Man Lives with 30-Kg Life-Size Silicone Model of Dead Wife

An Indian man has been making news headlines for honoring his late wife’s wish to build a life-size statue of her so they can still be together.

Tapas Sandilya, a retired government employee from India’s West Bengal, lost his wife of 39 years in 2021, during the Covid-19 pandemic. Indrani was taken to the hospital while he was forced into isolation, so he couldn’t be by her side when she passed away. Determined to at least fulfill one of his wife’s final wishes, Tapas started looking for an artist that could create a lifelike silicone statue of Indrani, and spent 6 months and around $3,000 on the unusual project.

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Medical Center Mistakenly Notifies Thousands of Patients That They Have Cancer for Christmas

Imagine scrolling through your inbox a couple of days before Christmas, casually reading heartwarming Holiday wishes, and then seeing a message from your medical center notifying you that you have “aggressive” cancer.

Forget totally ruining someone’s Holidays, this is the kind of message that could cause someone a heart attack, or at least a panic attack. Sending one person such a message by mistake would be considered a serious error, but sending that message to thousands of patients is nothing short of a catastrophe. The Askern Medical Practice in Doncaster, UK has around 8,000 patients and it is believed that, on December 23, it accidentally sent a cancer notification to most, if not all of them. The text informed recipients that they had “aggressive lung cancer with metastases” and advised them to fill out a special form for people with terminal diseases.

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Homeless Man Who Built His Own Fairytale Castle Is Now Forced to Tear It Down

A French homeless man who built his own intricate castle out of recycled foam after losing his apartment has been notified by authorities to tear it down because it poses a danger.

David, a 53-year-old former animator from Toulouse, France, has been homeless for over a year, after reportedly losing his apartment to squatting. With nowhere else to go, he had no choice but to sleep in a tent on the outskirts of Tournefeuille, a town on the banks of the Touch River. One day, an old woman stopped in front of his tent and said “that’s not very clean,” so he decided to upgrade his temporary abode to something more visually appealing. Using his experience as an animator, he steadily built himself a fairytale castle out of recycled and painted blocks of foam found in dumpsters. Before long, his home became a popular attraction for both children and adults.

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Man Has Been Peeing “Almost Daily” on Grave of Ex-Wife He Divorced 48 Years Ago

A New Jersey man has apparently been holding such a grudge against the ex-wife he divorced nearly five decades ago that he goes to her grave almost every day just to relieve himself on her grave.

This shocking story was recently made public by 43-year-old Michael Murphy who used hidden cameras to catch the culprit in the act after finding traces of urine and plastic bags with feces whenever he visited his mother’s resting place at the cemetery at Tappan Reformed Church in Orangetown, New York. The captured footage revealed an elderly man visiting the grave almost every day, at around 6:00 in the morning, and casually relieving himself on the woman’s headstone. He was later identified as her ex-husband, whom she had divorced 48 years ago and whom she had not been in contact with since 1976.

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“Heavy-Fired” Bread Buns Sold at English Market Spark Heated Debate

Photos of charred-looking bread buns being sold at a market in Manchester have been going viral online, with some calling them a delicacy and others billing them as inedible.

The “heavy fired” roll has apparently been a staple of Scottish bakeries for several decades. They are supposed to have an overcooked, black crust and be airy and slightly chewy inside, and while some people describe them as addictive, delicious, or spot-on, their charred interior puts a lot of people off. A heated debate between the two camps recently went viral on social media, after photos of some heavy-fired buns sold at a market in Manchester started doing the rounds online.

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