This 3-Year-Old Kid Is Already an Amazing Supercar Driver

At just three years of age, Zayn Sofuoğlu can barely reach the pedals of a car, and he can’t even see past the steering wheel, yet he somehow drives better than most people.

The youngest son of Turkish motorcycle racer Kenan Sofuoğlu, Zayn spent most of his young life around powerful motorcycles and supercars and he probably has more experience with them than most adults. Zayn wasn’t even two years old when his father, who holds a record of five Supersport World Champion titles, started posting videos of him riding a motorcycle in the driveway of their family home. Since then, the prodigy has been honing his motorist skills, and he is now able to expertly maneuver and park various supercars even though he can’t even see through the windshield…

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Company Develops Plant-Based Salmon That Looks, Feels, And Tastes Like the Real Deal

A Canadian startup claims to have come up with the technology to create a plant-based salmon filet that looks, feels, and tastes like real wild salmon.

Plant-based meat alternatives have been around for years now, with brands like Beyond Meat or Impossible Foods being among the most well-known in the burgeoning industry. But fish and seafood alternatives haven’t gotten nearly as much attention from the media as meat ones. That doesn’t mean they don’t exist, or that they are in any way less technologically advanced. On the contrary, the progress in this niche has been nothing short of impressive, with one startup claiming to have created a raw plant-based salmon filet that looks, flakes, and tastes like wild salmon.

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Zoo Director Allegedly Cooks Four of Its Ten Pigmy Goats for New Year’s Feast

A former zoo director in the Mexican city of Chilpancingo has been officially accused of a series of wrongdoings during his time in office, including cooking pigmy goats for a staff party.

José Rubén Nava Noriega is probably a prime candidate for the title of the world’s worst zoo director. During his time managing the local zoo in the city of Chilpancingo, Noriega allegedly sold animals illegally, failed to properly record animal births and deaths, somehow lost several animals, and, probably most shocking of all, he slaughtered and cooked four out of the zoo’s ten pigmy goats for a New Year’s staff feast.

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Tech Entrepreneur Spends $2 Million a Year to Regain His Youth

A 45-year-old American tech-mogul claims that he spends around $2 million a year bio-hacking his body into regaining its youth.

First of all, if you’re younger than 35, you should know 45 isn’t that old, especially by modern standards, but Bryan Johnson, a tech entrepreneur who once sold his payment processing company Braintree Payment Solutions to eBay for $800 million, claims that his age doesn’t really reflect his health and his look. Johnson says that he has the heart of a 37-year-old man, the skin of a 28-year-old, and the lung capacity and fitness level of an 18-year-old, all thanks to a daily routine that he pays around $2 million a year to maintain and refine.

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High-School Lights Have Been On 24/7 for Almost Two Years And No One Can Turn Them Off

A Massachusetts high school has been unable to turn off its smart lights system since August of 2021 when the software running failed.

When Minnechaug Regional High School opted to have a smart lights system installed a decade ago, the goal was to save money and energy, but no one ever imagined that one day, the 7,000 lights illuminating the sprawling educational complex would one day run continuously, racking up a small fortune in bills. The lights at this Springfield suburbs school in Wilbraham have been running continuously at full brightness since mid-2021, but with so many people struggling with their electrical bills, the massive waste of taxpayers’ money has become more blatant than ever. Unfortunately, there is apparently no way to turn off the lights at this time…

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Woman Claims Husband Poisoned Her for Years as Punishment for Suspected Affair

A Chinese woman accused her ex-husband of getting her addicted to hormone-based drugs that have ruined her life, after wrongly suspecting that she had cheated on him.

Liu Chang, a doctor from the Chinese province of Shandong, first accused her ex-husband, who is also a physician, of slowly poisoning her in 2019. At the time, Liu posted on social media that her spouse, Gao Zhisen, had been secretly administering her hormone-based drugs since 2016, and that they had caused her physical disability and severe second-degree injury. The couple divorced in 2017, and Liu has been fighting to bring her ex-husband to justice ever since. Despite efforts to have Gao answer for his alleged crime, Liu only managed to get a court date earlier this month, four years after her first revelations.

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23-Year-Old Multiple Personality Sufferer Plans Assisted Euthanasia to Deal With Her Condition

A 23-year-old successful French YouTuber recently shocked her nation by announcing that she plans to undergo assisted suicide to deal with her dissociative identity disorder (DID).

Le Journal d’Olympe is a popular YouTube channel with over 250,000 subscribers where a young French woman documents her life with dissociative identity disorder a mental condition formerly known as multiple personality disorder. The 23-year-old was reportedly the victim of severe trauma growing up and has developed a number of alternate personalities as a result. They sometimes take over and constantly having to struggle with this has apparently become too much for the young woman. She recently announced her plan to undergo assisted euthanasia in Belgium at the end of 2023.

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Taliban Unveil Afghanistan’s First Ever Supercar, the Mada 9

The Taliban-led Government of Afghanistan recently unveiled the country’s first-ever indigenously built supercar, named Mada 9.

On the list of things you were expecting from the Taliban, unveiling a supercar prototype probably ranked pretty low, but here we are. Reportedly developed by a team of at least 30 engineers from a company called ENTOP and Kabul’s Afghanistan Technical Vocational Institute (ATVI) over a period of 5 years, the Mada 9 definitely has the looks of a supercar, but is currently powered by a modified 2000 Toyota Corolla engine. It is apparently capable of moving at “higher speeds”, but the end goal is to fit it with a more powerful electrical engine.

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Japanese Company Develops Device That Rates the Deliciousness of Soba Noodles

A Nagano-based company recently announced that it had created the world’s first noodle taste analyzer, a machine that can scientifically estimate the tastiness of soba noodles within seconds.

Japan’s Nagano Prefecture is well-known for its soba noodles, a popular variety made with buckwheat flour. To honor the prefecture’s soba noodle production, local tool-maker Yatsurugigiken Inc. teamed up with Shinshu University’s Faculty of Agriculture to create the world’s first noodle deliciousness analyzer. The high-tech device applies ultraviolet LED-induced fluorescence to around 2 grams of buckwheat flour and measures the levels of phospholipids, proteins, and other taste-related substances. Within seconds, flavor ratings in four different categories (taste, aroma, greenness, freshness) are displayed on an LED display.

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Man Severs Neck Artery, Suffers Three Strokes After Turning Head Too Quickly

A Missouri man can consider himself lucky to be alive after he ruptured a neck artery and suffered three strokes because of turning his head too quickly during a game of pickleball.

Joel Hentrich, a 35-year-old “super-fit” man from Festus, Missouri suffered the freak accident in November of last year. He and some friends were playing a game of pickleball, a racket sport similar to tennis, when he quickly turned his head to one side to track a ball. He felt and heard a strong pop in the back of his head, and immediately started experiencing symptoms that he had never felt before. Little did he know that that quick neck turn had set in motion a series of injuries that would leave him fighting for his life.

Moments after that violent neck pop, Joel experienced the worst vertigo in his life, and a couple of minutes later, he was being helped to the bench by his friends, because he couldn’t walk on his own.

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‘Dead’ Book Author Comes Back to Life Two Years After Allegedly Faking Her Death

A Tennessee romance book writer whose own daughter announced her tragic death to friends and fans two years ago recently announced that she is coming back to writing, and everyone is really confused.

In September 2020, friends and colleagues of Susan Meachen, a self-published romance fiction writer, were shocked to hear that she had taken her own life due to online bullying. Someone claiming to be her daughter announced the devastating news on Facebook, and tributes from fans and authors who had known and worked with her started pouring in. For the next couple of years, Meachen’s Facebook profile was seemingly used by her family to post tributes to the author and inspirational stuff, as well as to promote her books. Some claim to have bought her work as a way to support her grieving family. But a couple of days ago, something weird happened – someone claiming to be Susan Meachen took to Facebook to announce that she wasn’t really dead, and that she was coming back to writing…

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Family Has Been Living in the Middle of a Roundabout for Over 40 Years

A Welsh family has been living in the middle of a roundabout for over four decades, after refusing to leave as the circular road was built around them.

In 1960, when David John and Eirian Howatson moved into their bungalow in Denbighshire, Wales the area was just a regular neighborhood and things were pretty normal for about two decades, until authorities came knocking and let them know that their property was right where a new roundabout was to be built. The Howatsons refused to move away, so the roundabout was built around their home, and the family has been living there ever since.

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Pakistani Man Welcomes 60th Child, Wants to Have Even More Kids

A 52-year-old “doctor” in Pakistan recently made news headlines for welcoming his 60th child and claiming he wants to have even more kids with his three wives.

Sardar Jan Mohammad Khan Khilji, a resident of Quetta, the Capital of Balochistan, has a very big family that he hopes to keep growing in the coming years. The Pakistani doctor, who runs his own clinic in the city, has three wives, and just welcomed his 60th child, a son he named Khushal. That’s a lot more than enough for most people, but Sardar said that he wants to take a new wife and continue having children.

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Holy Liposuction – Pastor Miraculously Shrinks Woman’s Waist During Live Event

A Christian pastor has come under fire for claiming to miraculously shrink a woman’s waist by two sizes through prayer during a live sermon.

There’s a controversial video doing the rounds on Latin Twitter these days. It shows a Christian pastor speaking to an audience and asking an “overweight lady” to join him on stage. When a brave young woman decides to honor his request, the pastor asks her if she is a true believer, then tells her that “for those who truly believe, anything is possible”.  The pastor tells the woman to raise her hands and asks God to shrink her waist by two sizes. A woman is called to touch the woman’s abdomen, and the pastor orders two sizes off the woman’s waist, declaring a miracle…

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Man Impersonates Army Officer for Four Years to Impress Women

A Chinese man was recently arrested after it was discovered that he had posed as a senior colonel in the Chinese army in order to impress women.

A couple of days ago, police in Ji’an County, China’s Jianxi Province, put out a statement regarding the apprehension of a man who had been posing as a senior colonel in the army’s rocket division for over four years. The man, identified only as ‘Zhu’, had apparently turned up for Covid-19 testing at a medical facility in Ao Township dressed in an official uniform that featured all the insignia of a high-ranking officer. He even had genuine-looking identification documents on him, but when the staff ran his name through a database, they found no one with his title in the Chinese army, so they called the police.

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