Womans Wins Court Battle to Have Adult Sons Evicted from Her Home

An Italian woman recently won a court case to have her two sons, ages 40 and 42, evicted from her home after they refused to leave the nest or contribute to the household in any way.

They say a mother’s love is infinite, but there is only so much even a loving mother can take. Take the story of this Italian woman who had no choice but to go to court to have her two adult sons evicted. The 75-year-old woman from the city of Pavia, in northern Italy, had long tried to talk her two children to finally move out of the family home, especially since they both had jobs and could afford to rent their own places. But they never even entertained the idea, and since they wouldn’t even pitch in financially or do house chores, the elderly woman had no choice but to take them to court.

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China Installs Giant Escalators as Alternative to Mountain Hiking

Lazy tourists visiting scenic mountain spots in China’s Zhejiang Province can now skip mountain hiking altogether and ride giant escalators hundreds of meters long to reach the best view spots.

Tour operators in China’s Zhejiang Province have installed massive escalators on mountains to help tourists gain access to the best views with virtually no effort. Scenic scots that were once only accessible by hiking on precarious trails are now available to anyone willing to ride one of these escalators for a few seconds, minutes at most. For example, Tanyu Mountain, in Zhejiang’s Chun’an county, has an altitude of only 350 meters, but due to the precarious relief, tourists have to walk three mountains around the mountain in order to reach the summit, making it inaccessible to the elderly and young children. But thanks, to the new escalator, anyone can now reach the top of Tanyu Mountain with virtually no effort.

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Garbage Collector Dies After Gun Goes Off in Garbage Bag

A 40-year-old garbage collector in the Mexican state of San Luis Potosi tragically lost his life after being shot by a loaded gun that had been thrown away in a plastic garbage bag.

Imagine living in a place where gun crime is so high that people casually throw loaded firearms in garbage cans where they can literally kill garbage collectors. One such incident took place on October 16, near the Rioverde town hall, in San Luis Potosi, Mexico. A group of garbage collectors was doing their jobs when tragedy struck. One of the men was calmly picking up garbage bags and throwing them into the back of a garbage truck when suddenly a gun went off. His colleagues froze in place and then started looking around for assailants, but there was no danger in sight. Then, they saw the man lying on the pavement…

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Japanese Gummy Candy Tastes Like a Fruit That Doesn’t Exist

A Japanese candy company has been making national news headlines for its idea to produce gummy candy that tastes like an ‘imaginary fruit’ called Kiraspika (キラスピカ).

Last year was a great one for gummy candy producers, and the market continued to expand throughout 2023, with fruit-flavored gummies being the most popular. While there are plenty of fruit flavors to choose from, including intriguing fruit combinations, companies are still limited to the fruits available in our world. But what if someone broke down barriers and started making candy that tastes like imaginary fruits? That was the genius idea that Japanese sweets maker Kanro recently came up with. Last month, the company launched a new type of gummy candy that tastes like ‘Kiraspika no Mi’, a made-up fruit with an original flavor, design, and even an origin story.

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Man Tries to Take Driving Test on Neighbor’s Behalf, Using Their ID

A Ukrainian man was caught trying to take a practical driving test on his neighbor’s behalf. When asked why his face didn’t match the one on the ID at all, he claimed his appearance had merely changed since the photo was taken.

We’ve heard of people trying to impersonate others in order to help them pass their driving test, but they usually put a bit of effort into it. We’ve written about someone who paid a body double to take the test on their behalf, and about a man who disguised himself as an old woman to take the driving test in his mother’s place. But then we have the protagonist of today’s news story, a man from Ukraine’s Rivne region who decided to help his neighbor by simply turning up to take the practical test, even though they looked nothing alike.

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American Man Dressed Like Jesus Carries Wooden Cross from Warsaw to Kyiv

An American man has been going viral on Ukrainian social media after being spotted wearing an attire similar to that of Jesus Christ and carrying a large wooden cross on his shoulders on his way to Kyiv.

Identified only as Jimmy from Virginia, the young American has been drawing a lot of attention while walking through Poland and Ukraine because of his unusual attire and the large wooden cross on his shoulder. He told a number of Ukrainian news outlets whose reporters interviewed him that he doesn’t really have a goal. He left the Polish capital of Warsaw and he hopes to eventually reach the Ukrainian city of Kyiv on foot, but he leaves that plan in God’s hands. The 33-year-old man claims he is just doing what his heart is telling him to because that is the best way to honor God.

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Chair Dangling on Roof of Derelict House Becomes Tourist Attraction

A wooden chair perched on the edge of an exposed attic in Dennis Township, New Jersey, has become an obsession for thousands of people and even spawned its own dedicated social media groups.

A dilapidated house with a collapsed roof located on Route 47 in the unincorporated Dennisville community of Dennis Township has become somewhat of a tourist attraction thanks to a small wooden chair perched right at the edge of its exposed attic. Many of those driving past the house on their way to and from work have become fascinated with this chair that doesn’t really move but is destined to fall at some point. Some want to know how it wound up on the edge, others whether it is nailed to the floor to keep it from falling, and a few are interested in the home’s history and why it is in its current condition. But most are just interested in watching the chair until the day it inevitably falls to the ground.

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Man Fakes Heart Attack to Avoid Paying the Bill at 20 Restaurants

A Lithuanian man has been arrested in Spain after allegedly faking heart attacks at 20 restaurants around the country in order to avoid paying the bill.

The unnamed 50-year-old man reportedly scammed at least 20 eateries, the majority of them in Spain’s Costa Blanca region, by theatrically faking a heart attack. After ordering food and drinks, he would put on an outrageous theatrical performance, clutching his chest and pretending to faint on the floor. The scam worked like a charm until one establishment owner saw right through the man’s act and started other local restaurants photos of him warning them not to fall for his heart-attack routine.

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Fish Scale Tide – A Natural Phenomenon Unique to Qiantang River

China’s Qiantag River is famous for a unique natural phenomenon, a wavy pattern tide that was only observed for the first time in 2021 and has come to be known as fish scale tide.

The Qiantang River’s estuary in Zhejiang Province has long been famous for having the strongest tidal bores in the world. At times, they can get as tall as nine meters, which means the area regularly sees trains of large waves moving upstream against the normal current. However, in 2021, during a scientific expedition, researchers discovered another intriguing natural phenomenon unique to this estuary. When certain conditions are met, the tide comes in spiraling waves that look like fish scales on the water’s surface. The phenomenon hs become known as ‘fish scale tide’.

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Glass-Covered Building Kills Over 1,000 Birds in Just One Day

Chicago’s McCormick Place, the largest convention center in North America, was recently responsible for the deaths of at least 1,000 small birds that crashed into its thick glass walls.

According to the Chicago Bird Collision Monitors (CBCM), a volunteer conservation project dedicated to the protection of migratory birds, on October 5, the carcasses of at least 1,000 small birds, including  Tennessee warblers, hermit thrush, and American woodcocks were found around McCormick Place. They all died after colliding with the iconic building’s transparent glass walls, which birds simply cannot detect. The CBCM said that this was the highest number of crash-caused bird deaths that the group recorded from the grounds of one building in a single day. Unfortunately, the number of deaths may actually be much higher, because many birds continue to fly after suffering serious injuries only to die hours later.

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Meet Neckzilla, the Thickest Neck in Bodybuilding

Rubiel Mosquera, a.k.a. ‘Neckzilla’, is an IFBB Elite Pro bodybuilder from Colombia known primarily for the size of his muscular neck, which reportedly measures 20 inches in circumference.

Rubiel Mosquera has a pretty impressive physique, but just one look at his neck is enough to explain his popular nickname, Neckzilla. It really is something to behold, and while he doesn’t hold the official title of the thickest neck in bodybuilding, there are many who believe he truly has the most muscular neck in the sport. Seen from some angles, it seems like his traps stretch all the way up to his jawline, but it’s actually his neck that is simply a lot more muscular than most. It is so muscular, in fact, that some bodybuilding fans have expressed concerns that the size of Neckzilla’s neck distracts judges at bodybuilding competitions causing them to miss some of his other assets.

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Content Creator Willingly Eats tapeworm-Infested Fish for Views

23-year-old Nichola Kratka, a self-described ‘extreme eater’, deliberately ate a fish infested with tapeworms and filmed himself doing it in the hopes of going viral on TikTok.

It’s shocking what some people will do for a bit of online attention these days. Take this young Florida content creator who, after catching a tapeworm-infested bass while fishing on a lake. Instead of throwing away the fish after discovering the parasites, he decided to eat it, knowing full well that he could become infected. Unsurprisingly, it wasn’t long until he started experiencing side effects like stomach aches, diarrhea, nausea, siziness, and weakness. In the end, he had to seek medical help and start taking deworming medication. Still, Kratka said he had “no regrets”…

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Woman Dies After Eating Chocolate from Fortune Teller Who Predicted Her Imminent Demise

A 27-year-old Brazilian woman tragically lost her life after experiencing poisoning symbols associated with a chocolate candy allegedly received from a gypsy woman who had allegedly predicted her early death.

Fernanda Silva Valoz da Cruz Pinto fell ill on August 3rd, experiencing severe stomach pains, vomiting, nosebleeds, and excessive salivation. She was rushed to Santa Casa de Misericórdia Hospital, but there was nothing doctors could do, and she died in the early hours of the following day. According to initial information provided by her family, Fernanda had told them that she had received a chocolate candy from a supposed gypsy fortune teller in the center of Maceió City who had also predicted that she would die very soon. She ate the candy that very same day, then fell ill and started experiencing poisoning symptoms.

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Museum Employee Swaps Paintings With Fakes, Sells Originals at Auction

A German museum employee was recently arrested for reportedly swapping several paintings with fake copies and selling the originals to fund a lavish lifestyle.

Due to Germany’s strict privacy laws, the identity of the 30-year-old former employee of the Deutsches Museum in Munich has not been disclosed to the public, but it has been reported that he admitted to replacing at least four paintings with copies in the period that he worked there (2016 – 2018). He allegedly sold the works of art at several auctions, using the money to pay off debts and then buy luxury goods, including a Rolls-Royce and expensive wristwatches. The auction house involved in the sale of three of the stolen paintings said that it “simply wasn’t possible to identify them as stolen property,” adding that it collaborated with authorities during the investigation.

“The defendant shamelessly exploited the opportunity to access the storage rooms … and sold valuable cultural assets in order to secure a high standard of living for himself and to show off,” the court heard from prosecutors.

The unnamed museum employee stole “Das Märchen vom Froschkönig” (The Tale of the Frog Prince) by Franz von Stuck, replaced it with a fake, and put the original up for auction. he told the auction house that the artwork had belonged to his grandparents or great-grandparents, and managed to earn almost 50,000 euros ($52,000) in cash, after the auction fees were deducted.

He subsequently swapped “Die Weinprüfung” (The Wine Test) by Eduard von Grützner and “Zwei Mädchen beim Holzsammeln im Gebirge” (Two Girls Collecting Wood in the Mountains) by Franz von Defregger and sold them at the same auction house, earning tens of thousands of euros. He also stole “Dirndl” by Franz von Defregger, and tried selling it through a different Munich auction house, but it did not sell.

In the end, the 30-year-old man managed to avoid prison time, but was handed a 21-month suspended sentence and ordered to pay back the museum more than $64,000. In its ruling, the court argued that it had taken into account the man’s confession and the fact that he showed ‘genuine remorse’.

“He said he acted without thinking,” the court ruling read. “He can no longer explain his behavior today.”

The employee’s thefts were discovered when a provenance researcher noticed that Das Märchen vom Froschkönig was “quite a clumsy copy,” despite being in the right frame, which suggested that someone had swapped it with a copy. Further investigation of the museum’s storage depots resulted in the discovery of the three other missing paintings.

“Our staff are all very reliable, but there is not much you can do if one employee harbors criminal energy. He had no previous record and there was no way of knowing he was capable of this when we hired him,” a spokesperson for the Deutsches Museum said.

This Vanilla Ice Cream Is Made With Recycled Plastic And It’s Probably Safe to Eat

A UK designer claims to be the first to ever make ice cream with vanilla flavoring sourced from recycled plastic. While no one has tasted it yet, it’s supposed to taste just like regular vanilla ice cream.

As part of her final-year project at Central Saint Martins Design School, Eleonora Ortolani set out to do something no one else had ever attempted before, at least to her knowledge – use a small amount of plastic to make ice cream flavoring. The project, titled Guilty Flavours, was inspired by the young designer’s frustration with how plastic was generally being recycled: being made into products that couldn’t be recycled any further, because it had been mixed with resins or other materials, which she thought was only making the problem worse. Having recently heard about a species of worm that could digest plastic bags, she started wondering if there was any way humans could eat plastic, break it down, and eliminate it for good.

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