The Crow Buster – A Translucent Piece of Plastic That Keeps Crows at Bay

A Japanese company that has been developing crow repellants for 15 years claims that its Crow Buster, a translucent piece of yellow plastic, is more effective than any scarecrow.

Crows are auspicious omens in Japanese culture, but in day-to-day life, they can be quite pesky pests. Notoriously intelligent and highly adapted to both rural and urban environments, crows have been known to cause serious damage to fruit and vegetable farms, rummage through garbage in search of food, and attack smaller birds, animals, or even humans, if they perceive them as threats. Because of their higher-than-average bird intellect and excellent memory, crows can be very tough to deal with, so even the most realistic of scarecrows may prove ineffective. However, one Japanese company claims that all you need to keep crows at pay is its surprisingly simple Crow Buster.

With a name like Crow Buster, you’d expect some sort of elaborate deterrent, but in reality, it’s just a diamond-shaped yellow piece of plastic that has to be hung in the area you’re trying to protect from crows. It works on power lines, in orchards, on house roofs, or pretty much anywhere you can think of, and it apparently works for up to six months after installation.

Despite its aggressive name, the Crow Buster is actually a gentle way of dealing with crows. Although the company website doesn’t really explain how the 14cm by 14cm piece of yellow plastic works, it apparently has to do with the way light is reflected, which makes crows uncomfortable, although that doesn’t explain why it only works for six months.

The ingenious crow repellent has already been on the market for 9 years now, and based on the limited video footage we found online and the customer reviews on the company website, it actually works wonders on crows.

the Crow Buster is available both on the manufacturer’s website and on Amazon, although I’m not sure it is available outside of Japan.


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