A 10-year-old boy reprimanded by his father for not completing his homework took revenge on his parent by calling the police and telling them that his father was hiding forbidden drugs.
The bizarre incident took place earlier this month in China’s Yongning County. After being severely scolded by his father for not completing his homework on time, a 10-year-old boy stormed out of the house and went straight to a nearby store and asked if he could use the phone. The fifth grader dialed 110, China’s emergency number, and asked to speak to the police, claiming that he had proof his father was concealing poppy shells, considered an illegal drug, at home. Then he waited calmly for the police to arrive and let them home so they could conduct a search and confirm his story.
Photo: Mike Haupt/Unsplash
During their search, the police found eight dried poppy shells on the balcony of the boy’s home, and the boy’s father admitted to buying them but added that he only planned to use them for medicinal purposes. He expressed regret about breaking the law, which classifies poppy shells as a dangerous drug, but insisted that he did so unknowingly. The police took the evidence and the suspect to a nearby station and have since passed on the case to the Anti-Narcotics Brigade.
Chinese police is using this unusual case to once again remind the public that it is illegal to grow or possess poppy husks without permission, and violators will face criminal penalties. Although dried husks do have medicinal value, as they can ease pain, assist sleep and reduce stress, the fact remains that their cultivation and possession are illegal as they are associated with the production of opium, a drug that once brought China to its knees.
You’re probably wondering what happened to the 10-year-old boy after this stunt. We are, too, but Chinese media doesn’t seem to have an answer. He probably never imagined he risked sending his father to prison out of anger, but here we are…