Black Panther – Chinese Researchers Build World’s Fastest Quadruped Robot

Scientists at China’s Zhejiang University recently announced that their Black Panther robot has achieved a constant speed of 10 meters per second, a world record for quadruped robots.

Black Panther has been in development at Zhejiang University’s Hangzhou International Science and Technology Innovation Center since 2018, but over the first six years, scientists struggled to exceed the speed of 6 meters per second. In early experiments, once the robot went over this speed threshold, it suffered severe damage, such as ruptured “calves” and in some cases, the entire torso disintegrated. However, after numerous trials and attempts to mimic the joint and muscle structures of various animals and even humans, researchers managed to make important modifications, such as adding springs between the leg joints to cushion impact, and earlier this year Black Panther reached a record speed of 10m/s.

In a video released by the Hangzhou International Science and Technology Innovation Center, Black Panther can be seen sprinting on a treadmill and maintaining a constant speed of 10m/s, which officially makes it the world’s fastest quadruped robot. Researchers explained that they were able to reach this important milestone by implementing innovative control algorithms and experimenting with different materials and designs.

Black Panther’s record speed of 10m/s is fast approaching top human running feeds that only elite 100-meter sprinters can achieve. Chinese researchers now have their sights set on another speed goal – 15m/s.


But if you find the thought of getting chased by an evil quadruped robot in the near future terrifying, take ease in knowing that machines like Black Panther can only reach record speed in controlled environments, for now. Chinese researchers explained that maintaining a pace of 10m/s requires massive amounts of energy and takes a toll on the body when running on hard surfaces, so for now, it can only be done on a treadmill.

The Black Panther quadruped robot weighs 38 kg and stands 0.63 meters tall. Meanwhile, the world’s fastest humanoid robot stands 5.6 feet tall, weighs around 65 pounds, and can run at a speed of 3.6 meters per second.

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