4-Year-Old Boy Survives 16th-Floor Fall with Only Minor Injuries

Enzo, a 4-year-old boy from Aubervilliers, France, miraculously survived a 43-meter fall from his 16th-floor apartment with only a scratch and no fractures, and no one understands how.

The unusual incident took place on May 26, in a high-rise apartment complex in Aubervilliers, central France. Enzo, a 4-year-old boy diagnosed with autism was in his room when his father, Ji, heard him crying. As usual, he hurried to check on his son and calm him down, but as he tried to enter Enzo’s room, he realized that the door was locked. This had never happened before, and the parents suspect that the boy accidentally locked himself inside which caused him to panic. By the time Ji managed to break down the door, Enzo’s crying had stopped and the room seemed empty. Seeing the window open, the man horrifyingly realized that he was too late.

Photo: Benjamin Salvatore/Unsplash

After rushing onto the balcony and seeing Enzo lying motionless on the dirt-covered roof of a ground-level pharmacy, Ji rushed out of the apartment building and climbed the pharmacy building to reach the roof. Fearing the worst, he was stunned to see Enzo move on his own, with only a small scratch on his leg to show for his 43-meter fall.

“Enzo was able to move,” Ji told French newspaper Le Parisien. “He was conscious and I didn’t see any external blood. He just had a small scratch on his leg.”

Enzo’s parents were still worried about internal injuries, so they called emergency services. The boy was admitted to Necker Hospital where he remained under observation for seven days. During this time, doctors performed a series of tests to ensure that he was really as healthy as he appeared. Apart from some minor bleeding in his kidneys and lungs that surgeons swiftly resolved, there was nothing wrong with the boy. No one had seen anything like it!

After seven days, Enzo was dismissed from the hospital and resumed his normal life as if nothing had happened. His parents are stunned, just like the doctors who treated him. He was even able to go back to nursery school during the last week of June, and he seems as healthy as ever.

Photo: DR

“He has resumed a normal life, everything is fine,” Helene, Enzo’s mother said. “I was not a believer, but now I am!”

How Enzo was able to not just survive the fall from his family’s 16th-floor apartment, but do so with no serious injuries or head trauma, is still a mystery. Some say it was the dirt-covered roof of the pharmacy that somewhat cushioned his landing, but doctors are convinced that it had more to do with his light, flexible body.

“They (children) have a more favorable coefficient of elasticity of bones and joints,” Dr. Véronique Bourg told Le Parisien.

Back in 2018, we featured the similar story of a 2-year-old girl in Changzhou, China, who fell from the 17th floor and simply walked it off, to her mother’s and doctors’ amazement.