Restaurant Sparks Controversy with Bubble Tea Beef Noodles

A Vietnamese restaurant recently went viral for launching a new dish – bubble tea beef noodles – in a bid to take advantage of the popularity of tapioca pearl milk tea.

There is no questioning the crazy popularity of bubble tea not only in Asia, but around the world. There is just something about the tapioca pearl-infused milk tea that has most people coming back for more, so it’s easy to understand why many businesses try to tap into this popularity to attract new business. The latest example is Yu Tang, a Vietnamese restaurant based in Hanoi that recently launched a new dish that combines milk tea, tapioca pearls, thick noodles and slices of cooked beef. Inspired by Taiwan’s popular milk hot pot, the new dish has been drawing a lot of attention online.

Yu Tang’s newest dish consists of a mix of vegetable broth, black tea and fresh milk served with noodles, tapioca pearls and corned beef. The taste is reportedly as bizarre as you can imagine, so much so that some Vietnamese content creators struggled to describe it. Some claim it is very similar to milk tea but without the drink’s characteristic sweetness, while others simply said that the texture of the tapioca didn’t really suit the dish.

“The overall flavor is not impressive or special,” vlogger Duc Anh commented. “The noodles are not as disgusting as many people imagine, but they are tasteless. The flavors of each ingredient do not really connect with each other.”


The Vietnamese restaurant launched its new bubble tea beef noodles on September 29, advertising it as a unique combination that you can only experience at their location in Hanoi. The intriguing combination and the venue’s aggressive marketing campaign worked, and despite the mixed reviews, the new dish has become the talk of Vietnamese social media.

If you happen to be in Hanoi and want to try bubble tea beef noodles, stop by Yu Tang and be ready to spend 98,000 VND ($4) per serving. You can also get a 20% discount if you check in at the restaurant on social media.


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