Eyelid Piercing, So “Cool”

Not a long ago we showed you some pictures of people suffering from “over-piercing”, as we like to call it, folks who had either too many piercings, or just few and totally disturbing. Now we bring you the latest in piercing fashion, eyelid piercing, that’s right, eyelid, the piece of skin covering that incredibly sensible organ known as the eye. Others might find it cool, I think it’s plain stupid. Read More »

This is how a real man shaves!

This is for all the girls out there complaining about how they go through tortures like shaving their arms and legs just to look good for the men they love…Can you honestly say waxing your limbs is more painful then waxing your face? I think not…

This painful experiment was carried out by a young Russian from Celiabinsk, who wanted to prove to girls that what they’re doing isn’t nearly as painful as they think it is. Did he succeed? You tell me…

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The Amazing Iron Chewer

With strong teeth like his, you can basically bite through anything. He would be a good model for a toothpaste commercial.

man chewing iron

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