Biggest Toilet Paper Prank Ever?

Toilet paper pranks are very popular, but I can bet you’ve never seen anything of these proportions.

Someone spent a lot of effort and money to pull off what may be the greatest toilet paper prank in history. It all happened on Maplefield Road, in Pleasant Ridge, Michigan and it took hundreds of toilet paper rolls.  According to the neighbors, this particular home falls victim to pranks like this twice a year.

This looks pretty funny and cool, but I would hate to be the one who cleaning up the mess.

via WXYZ










Peter Pan Gets Married

That’s right folks, Peter Pan finally tied the not with his beloved Tinkerbell, in a lovely medieval ceremony.

Just a day after I posted some photos from the wedding of Superman and Wonder Woman, I learned that the popular Peter Pan got hitched. Randy Constan, famous on the internet for his Peter pan related website, Pixyland, and his beloved Dorothy got married in a magical forest where the annual Tampa Bay Renaissance Festival i being held.

“Sire” Randy was dressed as Peter Pan (obviously), “Princess” Dorothy wore a Tinkerbell costume and the ceremony was officiated by Michael Marzella, who was dressed as Henry VIII.

I wish the happy couple all the best and a fairy-tale marriage.










Giant Swiss Flag on Santis Mountain

The Swiss found an original way to celebrate their national day on Saturday,  August 1 st, by mounting the world’s second biggest Swiss flag on Santis Mountain.

The giant flag was 120 meters by 120 meters and was a spectacular sight for people in the area. Unfortunately, I read the flag was torn to shreds by the strong winds in the area. Well, at least they took photos of it before it was too late.

Photos by Reuters

via Blick






Superman Marries Wonder Woman

A true superhero wedding took place on Saturday, in a warehouse in Portland, where Superman and Wonder Woman became husband and wife. I know, you were expecting him to marry Lois Lane, but life is just full of surprises.

When he asked her to marry him, Tony Lucchese told his beloved Sarah LaFore she was his kryptonite and gave her a green diamond ring. Although none of them is a comic-book fan, they kept joking about having a superhero wedding, until it turned into something serious.

They had custom suits tailored and Tony, with the help of his friends, built a Fortress of Solitude altar, in a hangar, so they could be married in a superhero setting. The groomsmen included Spider-man, Aquaman, Flash, The Hulk and Batman, while the maids of honor were dressed as amazons and armed with spears.

Really original stuff and all I can say is: I wish them a superhero marriage as well.

Photos by Amber Waterman/Sun Journal

via Sun Journal







Mint Hard – The Ice-Cream Hard-Disk

Mint Pass, a Korean tech company, revealed one of the craziest hard-disk concepts I’ve ever seen.

Named Mint-Hard, their new gadget will be shaped like an ice-cream and will be used as an external hard-drive. Users will be able to stock data on the ice-cream part of the device, while the stick is actually a USB-stick that can be used to transfer data.

Mint Pass plans to release its ice-cream hard-disk in the following flavors/sizes:

Chocolate (120Gb HD/ 8Gb Flash)

Strawberry (80Gb HD/ 4Gb Flash)

Vanilla (60Gb HD/ 2Gb Flash)

via Mint Pass




Chinese Chef Makes World’s Longest Noodle

Li Enhai, a talented cook from China, insured himself a spot in the Guinness Book of Records after  making a 2,852 meters long noodle, with just one kilogram of flour. In the photos, you can witness his noodle stretching technique, at a hotel opening, in Keshikten, northern China, on July 29.

Photos by Xinhua/Sun Guoshu





Piglets Love Tequila!

Not the Mexican drink, although I’ve seen pigs eat and drink anything, but a 2-year-old Rottweiler/pit-bull named Tequila, who adopted six little pigs.

It all started on a rainy Monday morning, when both farmer John Favreau’s dog and his sow gave birth. Because of the rainstorm, John had to move the piglets in his home, where his dog, Tequila, was nursing her newborns. As the farmer turned his head for just a moment, the piglets rushed to Tequila and she welcomed them like they were her own pups.

Now they’re all one big happy family, and the piglets follow Tequila everywhere she goes. She in turn cleans them when they get a little dirty (that’s going to be a tough job in the long run). Favreau says he tried reuniting the piglets with their natural mother, but they started acted strange so he took them back to the dog.

Cases of dogs adopting pigs are very rare, with just one similar case being recorded, this June, in Thailand.

via news-press










The Bees Masters

In order to show how intimate they are with bees and as proof of their apiculture supremacy, a couple of bee keepers covered themselves with bees.

On July 16, in Ning’an City, northern China, Li Wenhua and Yan Hongxia, two passionate bee-keepers, pulled-off a stunt many would consider insane. Using the queen-bee as bait, the two managed to cover themselves with over 10,000 bees.

Photos by Xinhua/Zhang Chunxiang





A True Hand-Made Flag

If you thought you were going to see a hand-sown flag, then I’m going to have to disappoint you, but this is something way cooler.

The “left behind children” of migrant workers  went to work in China’s larger cities or abroad, together with volunteers from the University of Science and Technology, have made a 60-square-meters flag of China, using their hand imprints. The artwork was unveiled at Lintou middle-school, Hashan county, on July 21, 2009.

This is was their way of celebrating the 60th anniversary of the People’s Republic of China.






The Naked Cowboy Runs for Mayor

Robert Burck, known by most as The Naked Cowboy has announced his decision to run for mayor of New York City.

Claiming he “can do more with less”, The Naked Cowboy promised $10,000 loans for small companies, at no interest, call buttons for taxis at street corners and a wedding chapel in Times Square.

The Naked Cowboy has been hanging around Times Square, since 1998, dressed in nothing but a pair of white underwear, boots and a cowboy hat. Over time he became quite the celebrity, making appearances on hit TV shows like TRL and getting photographed with other celebrities.

He reportedly makes as much as $1,000 every day, collecting tips from passers-by in Times Square, working from 11 am to 2 pm.

Photos by Getty


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Zombies Invade Frankfurt

Looking at photos of the Zombie Parade that took place on July 18, in the streets of Frankfurt, Germany, I couldn’t stop thinking about the Resident Evil games I used to play when I was in high-school and how they scared the living crap out of me.

Luckily, the zombies in the photos don’t really want to eat your brain or hurt you in any other way. I have to say the make-up on these guys is simply amazing. I’m sure I would totally have a heart-attack if I walked into any of them in a dark alley, at night.

Zombie parades are becoming more and more common, as they are held in different countries around the world. The first zombie parade was organized back in 2003, in Toronto and, in 2005, there 80 zombie parades, attended mainly by horror movie lovers.

Photos by Johannes Eisele/ REUTERS

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Man Builds Oil Rig Out of Matchsticks

51-year-old David Reynolds, a dormer oil rig worker, spent 15 years of his life creating a matchstick replica of the Brent Bravo oil platform, from the North Sea.

The 21-foot-long, 12-foot-high wooden model weighs over half a ton and contains more than 4 million matchsticks, each of them polished and glued into place. David started working with matchsticks when his son bought him a matchstick train to build. He completed it in a few weeks, then started working on an oil rig.

He first built a smaller replica of an old platform he worked on for five years, before starting work on the big one. He calls them the Cathedrals of the Sea and spent up to 10 hours a day creating the finest details.

David Reynolds said he thought about destroying his masterpiece because he needed the space in his shed, but his wife convinced him to put it on display at the brickworks museum, in Southhampton. He also added he spent around 1600 British pounds buying matches from a wholesaler, buying them from a corner-shop would have put a 46,000 pound hole in his budget.

David’s matchstick oil platform is a worthy competitor for Patrick Anton’s matchstick Minas Tirith














Palestinian Set the World’s Swetest Record

Ok, so I’m not sure if it’s really the sweetest, since they have serious competition from the guys who cooked the world’s largest cheesecake, but it’s definitely up there with the sweetest.

Over 100,000 Palestinians gathered in the center of Nablus city, on the West Bank, to watch as the largest Kunafa cake was being made and hopefully, even grab a bite. 170 bakers, from 10 bakeries around Nablus, worked together to create the longest and heaviest Kunafa in history.

Kunafa is definitely one of the most delicious desserts in the Arab world, baked from semolina flour, hiding a delicious mozzarella-like cheese,  sweetened with a sugar syrup sprinkled with rose water and covered by a crunchy carpet of crushed nuts.

The giant Kunafa measured 74 meters in length and weighed 1765 kg, 400 kg more than it needed to break the old record. It cost around $15,000 to make and the ingredients include around 700 kilograms of semolina flour, the same amount of white cheese, 300 kilograms of sugar and six tons of cooking fat.

The record has been recorded and will be presented to the Guinness Book of Records for acknowledgment.




The World’s Strongest Vagina

That’s right, you read correctly, the world’s strongest vagina muscles belong to Tatiata Kozhevnikova, a 42-year-old woman from Novosibirsk, Russia.

She has been acknowledged by the Guinness Book of Records, as the woman with the strongest intimate muscles, after lifting a 14-kilograms-heavy ball, using only her vagina.

Tatiata said she noticed she had extremely weak vaginal muscles after giving birth, so she decided to do something about it. She read books on Dao and found out women have been confronting this problem for thousand of years.

But that didn’t scare her at all and she started practicing with custom-made balls. Tatiata advises all women to harden their vaginal muscles, to improve their sex lives.

Photos via

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Care for Some Malaria Infested Water?

You can buy a bottle a bottle of Malaria-infested water, as well as well as many other potentially fatal diseases at vending machines across Manhattan, New York.

UNICEF has devised a very original way of raising awareness to the water problem millions of people across the globe are facing every day. The Dirty Water campaign gives people the chance to buy a bottle of disease-infected water, other people are forced to drink on a daily basis. The water-bottles are kept in vending machines across Manhattan and can be purchased for $1 each.

Of course, the water isn’t really poisoned, but it does look very dirty. The campaign has been very successful so far, exceeding all expectations. Passers-by are encouraged to make a donation through the vending machines, by SMS or online.

Here’s what is written on the Dirty Water vending machines:

“Thirsty? So are millions of people around the world with no access to clean drinking water. 4,200 children die of water-related diseases everyday. Help provide safe drinking water to developing countries. Donate today. You wouldn’t drink dirty water. No one should. Donate now by texting TAP to 864233 (UNICEF) or visit
Just a dollar provides a child with 40 days of clean drinking water.”

photos via Ochevidec















