Wedding Marathon of Artsakh

A true wedding marathon took place last week in the small Republic of Artsakh, internationally known as Nagorno-Karabakh. The fact that they are living in a territory disputed between Azerbaijan and Armenia, didn’t stop the inhabitants of this country to prove their  independence by organizing a wedding marathon.

700 pairs united their destinies in a ceremony that will go down in the record books as one of the biggest mass-weddings in history.







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Cholla – The Painting Horse

It’s official, animals are talented painters, if the painting elephants weren’t proof enough, now Cholla, a painting horse shows his skill.

mustang-quarter horse with incredible painting talent, Cholla‘s works have recently been accepted into an art exhibition that will take place in Montigliano Veneto, Italy. He will be competing against 1,770 renowned artists from all over the world, and we’re talking humans, so yes, this horse has enough talent to match up to human artists. He won’t be able to claim the cash prizes if he wins but he will get a special mention.

Cholla‘s career began when his owner, Renee Chambers, bought some water colors, mixed them up, glued a piece of paper to a fence, and handed him the brush. Cholla grabbed it, started stroking and he never stopped, in fact he got better and better and now he’s a star in the USA. In case you were wondering, Cholla made the transition from the fence to the easel without hesitation, like a true artist.

The organizers of the Italian art exhibition said they were stunned when they found out the artist of the artworks they accepted was of the equine species but respected his talent even more.



Photos courtesy of Renee Chambers

The Real Burger King

21-year-old Brad Sciullo of Uniontown is the first person to ever finish eating the monster-burger known as the Beer Barrel Belly Bruiser. The burger itself weighed 15 pounds but with all the toppings (lettuce, tomatoes, cheese, onions, mild banana peppers, mayonnaise, ketchup, mustard and relish)  and the buns, it reached 20,2 pounds. Sure any man could gobble down a delicacy like this but hardly anyone could do it in 5 hours.

Brad Sciullo managed to do it, but it wasn’t easy, as he himself admits: “About three hours into it, things got tough,”and everyone can understand why. But he pushed himself to the edge and manage to finish the whole burger and won a $400 prize, 3 t-shirts, a certificate and “a burger hangover” as the owner od Denny’s Beer Barrel Pub, where the event took place.

Asked why on Earth he decided to eat the giant burger, Sciullo said “I wanted to see if I could.”




Fattest Athlete in the World

After 499-kg-heavy Jose Luis Garza died last week and countryman Manuel Uribe, who weighed 558 kg, lost 230kg and is still cutting down the pounds every day, Emanuel Yabrauh has become the new world’s fattest athlete. Yabrauh is also the world’s biggest and heaviest sumo wrestler, weighing almost 400 kg.
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Unusual Display of Motherhood

There have been many cases in which animals took in cubs that didn’t belong to them, or even their species, like this adorable little pig. But I’ve never seen a monkey taking so well to a couple of tiger cubs before.

After Hurricane Hannah ravaged the state of South Carolina, the tigers of one of the zoos started acting very aggressive and were considered a danger to their young. So these two white tiger cubs were separated from their mother and adopted by a 2-year-old chimpanzee. As you can see from the photos he’s really taking parenting seriously. I wonderhow their relationship will evolve…














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World’s Tallest LEGO Tower Moves to Vienna

A few months ago I wrote a post about the world’s tallest tower near Legoland Windsor, in England, but now it is forced to hand over the title to the new LEGO Tower in Vienna.

Built by hundreds of children near Vienna‘s city-hall, the new world’s tallest LEGO tower ended up being 29,48 meters tall, beating the previous tower of “only” 29,03 meters. The LEGO tower in Vienna was built using a crane and several support wires that secured it against strong winds. After the record was certified by an official judge from The Guinness Book of Records, the LEGO Tower was dismantled.

The Tower of Vienna was created to celebrate the festival “100 Years of Friends of Children“.








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Kate Moss – The Golden Girl

In the world of fashion Kate Moss was always worth her weight in gold, but now she really is gold…literally.

 British artist Marc Quin, famous for works like “Allison Lapper pregnant“, “Sphinx” or “Self“, a bust of his head for which he used eight pints of his own blood, presented his latest masterpiece, “Sirena 50 kg solid gold statue of international supermodel Kate Moss. The 1,5 million pounds statue is on display at the British Museum, in the Nereid Hall. A part of his latest collection, entitled Statuephilia, “Siren” depicts Kate Moss in a Yoga position and has already been named “the Aphrodite of our time“.

Marc Quinn‘s “Siren” is said to be the largest gold statue created since the time of Ancient Egypt.


How to use 300, 000 euro-cents

Well the last thing any of us would do is laying it all on the asphalt as a beautiful mosaic right? Stefan Sagmeister of Sagmeister Inc. did just that during the first edition of Biennale, in Amsterdam. Entitled “Obsessions make my life worse and my work better“, Sagmeister‘s work of art was made out of around 300,000  euro- cent coins set up on a 20×42 square meters surface. This intricate installation was a challenge to all passers-by, with so much money at stake, would people leave it alone and appreciate its beauty or would they just go for the money out of greed?

After the show was over the complex art piece was simply sweeped away with a brush.










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What Coca-Cola Does to Your Stomach

There has been a lot of speculation about the effect of Coca Cola on the human stomach. There were those that said that the popular beverage could literally cause our intestines to melt if we drink to much of the stuff. Coca Cola always denied the rumors and said that their product is no worse than other soft drinks on the market and there was no official proof of the “dissolving effect“.

So a bunch of guys decided to conduct their own experiment and find out if the rumors are true. They just took a piece of red meat, put it in a plate and poured some Coca Cola over it. They left it there for two days and took some photos throughout their experiment. The Coke didn’t completely dissolve the meat but you can see that it doesn’t look like anything you’d like to have inside your body. And the smell was unbearable.

I’m sure pretty much everyone knew  that Coca Cola wasn’t the healthiest drink on the market, but I for one didn’t think it could do that to flesh. No more Coke for me!







Photo source: Copypast

Prison Beauty Pageant

Every year, the Good Shepard women prison in Bogota, Columbia, organizes an inmate beauty contest in honor of the Holy Virgin, the patron of the prisoners. The contest is followed by a masquerade party and the whole event is broadcast in all of Columbia, This year the prisoner beauty pageant was won by Miss Yuri Uribe, a beautiful Colombian serving five years for drug trafficking.

The Good Shepard is the largest women prison in Columbia.






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A Sandwich Can Kill You!

This is the motto of Buns and Guns Restaurant in Beirut, Lebanon.

“They accuse us of terrorism, so let’s serve terrorist bread, why not?” says Mr. Ibrahim, the owner of Buns and Guns. The restaurant looks like a military post, with sand-bags to protect the clients, sounds of machine-guns and bombs instead of music and illustrations of different weapons all around.

Set up in a Hezbollah-controlled area of Beirut, Buns and Guns started attracting customers on the first day it opened and foods like “terrorist bread, rocket propelled grenade, Dragunov, Kalashnikov, Viper or B52” are becoming more and more popular.

Mr. Ibrahim says the only way a Buns and Guns sandwich can kill somebody is by its generous size.











World’s longest legs meet the shortest

In an event organized by the Guinness Book of Records, held on September 15, in Trafalgar Square, Svetlana Pankratova, the woman with the longest legs in the world (132 cm) met 20-years-old He Pingping, the shortest man on the planet. He is 2’5″ and his parents say he was the size of a human palm when he was born, although they and his brothers and sisters are all normal. Svetlana is 6’7″ but she is not the tallest woman in the world.






Human Smiley-Face for Google Earth

The people of Russian city Chelyabinsk have found a unique way to make their beloved city known to the entire world by using Google Earth.

In a carefully planed event, the citizens of  Chelyabinsk calculated when Google’s satellite, “Quick Bird”, passes directly over the city and formed a yellow smiley face that could be noticed from out of space. The result of their organized effort will be seen the next time Google Earth updates, but whether they get the exposure they were looking for or not, the people behind the Smiley-Face of Chelyabinsk have our congratulations for the effort.











Chinese Make Cheap Dodge Tomahawk Replicas

Back in 2003 Dodge first presented its monster on four wheels, the Dodge Tomahawk motorcycle (I know I said four wheels, but I can’t call it a car now can I?). This baby had an 8.3 V10 Viper engine that produced unimaginable power. Only 10 Dodge Tomahawks were ever built and they were sold with 550,000 dollars.

But if you thought you had no chance in hell to get your hands on one of these babies, think again. The Chinese have created an exact replica of the Dodge Tomahawk, called KMD K-007 Tron Bike MC-06. It’s got a weak 150 cc engine, but it looks just like the Tomahawk and costs only $1398.










Bad night at the museum

This is funny and painful to watch at the same time, but it’s a lot funnier than it is painful. This South-African thief decided that the best place for him to rob would be a museum, and without any careful planning picked its lock and went in. That’s when things started going terribly wrong, the alarm went off, he panicked and decided to make a run for it. He climbed a tree in the museum yard and tried to jump over the spiked fence. But as always, karma comes back and bites you in the arse…or impales you, in this case. His jump wasn’t as good as he hoped and a metal spiked penetrated his…well, you know.

The police had to lift him with a crane before they could arrest him, but he should look at the bright side, when he goes to jail and gets raiped like a little bitch for the first time, he’s not  gonna feel shocked.

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