Cheesy Steve Jobs

Calm down Apple fanboys, I’m not calling your venerable hero cheesy. It’s just that what else are you going to call the head of Steve Jobs, made of Mozzarella cheese?

An able cook, who also happens to be an avid Apple fanboy, decided to show his appreciation for the “greatest consumer electronics company of all times”, by making the head of its leader, Steve Jobs, out of Mozzarella.

I have to say the cook made great use of only cheese and pepper, to create a very detailed image of Steve Jobs. He’s going to serve Steve Jobs’ Mozzarella head at an iPad Launch Party. If you want to do the same, head over to The Cook’s Den, for detailed instructions on how to make your own.


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Death Star Watermelon and Cantaloupe

They say you shouldn’t play with your food, but when something as awesome as the Death Star is involved, rules don’t really apply. And plus, it’s food art!

The Death Star cantaloupe isn’t very new, It was showcased for the first time in 2008, on the Evil Scientist blog, together with hints on how to make your own. Apparently, all you need is the cantaloupe, a pen knife and five minutes. Placed against the right background, the Death Star cantaloupe looks just as deadly as the real thing, but it’s much tastier.

The Death Star watermelon needs a bit more carving, because it doesn’t have the texture advantages of the cantaloupe, but the end result is even more impressive, and just as tasty. Unfortunately, both organic Death Stars are very vulnerable, even without that damned exhaust port.

via Kuriositas


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Chinese Man Lives on Leaves of Grass Alone

50-year-old Li Sanju, from Niwuei, China, has been eating only grass and roots, for the last year and a half, without any serious health problems.

The eccentric Chinese says the idea came to him, in October of 2008, while watching TV show, where he learned man can survive for 10 days without eating. This inspired him to live on water and stuff he could find on the mountain.  At first he gave up meat completely, but continued eating some rice. After a few weeks, he gave up on rice and only ate grass, roots and tree leaves.

After eating a lot of grass, Mr. Li suffered from diarrhea, for days in a row. He believed it was from the pesticides spayed on plants around the village, so he decided to only pick his food from up the mountain. He has lived like this for a year and a half, and says it made him healthier. The tumors he had on his right leg simply vanished, and he hasn’t had any other health problems.

Li Sanju says he rarely goes to the city these days, since there’s little for him to eat there. Someone offered him 10,000 yuan to eat a piece of meat, but he says he declined, for fear of dying.

I’m sure he and the sand-eating woman of Russia would really hit it off.

Photos by REX FEATURES via Dantri


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New York Chef Makes Cheese from Human Breast Milk

Daniel Angerer, a young chef from New York, gave in to his curiosity and made some Mommy’s Milk Cheese, out of his wife’s breast milk.

Angerer says that, as a chef, he’s always curious about what different things taste like. The idea of making cheese out of human breast milk came to him while his wife was feeding their 4-weeks-old daughter. They pondered a while on whether it was ethical to use breast milk as the main ingredient, but since their daughter has more than enough frozen mommy’s milk, they decided it was ok.

It was reported that Daniel Angerer even treated customers of New York’s Klee Brasserie to his exotic cheese, and the New York Post quoted him as saying ” it tastes like cow’s-milk cheese, kind of sweet”. After the Health Department warned him about offering mother’s milk dairy in the restaurant, Angerer denied even considering offering his wife’s breast milk to anyone else.

Whether he commercialized it or not, I think making cheese out of human breast milk is strange enough. If you’d like to try out check out Daniel’s Angerer’s blog, for the full recipe.


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Best Food Cakes EVER

You’ve probably seen cool cakes before, but as far as cakes-shaped-like-other-foods go, these are by far the most awesome I’ve ever seen.

Debbie Goard has almost 20 years of decorating behind her, and it’s this vast experience that helps her design the most incredible cakes most of us have ever seen. She does all kinds of designs, but I was particularly impressed by her food cakes that look just like the dishes they’re trying to mimic.

The perfect steak you see below is just one of the sweet wonders Debbie has created over the years, but there are other jaw-dropping masterpieces, including that awesome slab of bacon. That thing should be framed and posted on a wall of fame, or something.

Check out more of Debbie’s cakes on her Flickr profile and feel free to read more about her work, and even order cakes and cupcakes from on delicious-looking website.


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Deliciously Creepy Victim Of Hannibal Lecter Cake

Hello Clarice…Actually it’s ‘Good evening, Clarice’, but heck, most people are familiar with just the first one. Anyway, here’s a very cool Silence of the Lambs themed cake.

Created by Celebration Generaton Cakes, for the Czar of Cakes Challenge at the Minnesota Monthly Food & Wine Experience, the Victim of Hannibal Lecter Cake is one of the most original I’ve seen. And as you may know, I’ve recently posted quite a number of cool cakes, lately.

Made with fondant, sugarpaste, gumpaste, cocoa and other sweet ingredients, the Silence of the Lambs theme was chosen because there was no way someone else ‘would think of, much less actually use it’.

via SuperPunch


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The Giant Kit Kat Chocolate Bar

Finally a chocolate bar big enough not to make you crave more. This is definitely what the standard chocolate bar size would be, if I ruled the world.

I’m sure you’ve seen bigger-than-usual chocolate bars before, but this is truly gigantic. A dude named Brian created the giant Kit Kat bar for Christmas. He started by going to the local hardware store and buying one of those big flower boxes. Then he filled it with molten chocolate and six packs of Loacker Quadratini cookies (for the crunchy interior).

When it was finished, the giant Kit Kat chocolate bar was 28 inches long and weighed over 13.5 kilograms. Named Mega Giganta Kat, by its creator, this calorie bomb has over 72,000 calories. Considering a person’s daily calorie intake is around 1,800-2,200, that’s pretty scary.

One thing I wasn’t able to find out is how he made the Kit Kat logo, but I think it was carved or something.

via Supersized Meals


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Best Jabba the Hutt Cake Ever

I’ve seen my share of Jabba the Hutt birthday cakes on the web, but this is by far the best ever.

Edible Jabba was made for the birthday of a four-year-old fan of the famous Star-Wars character, who specifically requested that Rotta (Jabba’s son) also be included in the sweet work of art. It was made by an unnamed ‘friend of the family’, out of chocolate cake, chocolate fudge and fondant. As delicious as that sounds I couldn’t take one bite out of this Jabba the Hutt cake, it’s just too perfect.

Congratulations to the artist for a job well done! Photos via icruise_flickr, parent of a very lucky 4-year-old.


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If You Can’t Grill It, Can It

That’s an old saying, or at least it should be, because it often happens you find yourself with a nice, big chicken and no way to cook it.

I don’t know if the guy who came up with this didn’t have a grill at hand or if he simply doesn’t like barbecue. But then again, who doesn’t like barbecue? Anyway, it turns out all you need to cook a delicious chicken, is  an empty can of cooking oil, some wood and a match. So there you have it, next time you find yourself outdoors, in the mood for roasted chicken, you can improvise your own oven.

These pics should so be on Instructables!


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A Sweet Collection of Stonehenge Cakes

I for one had no idea a place like Stonehenge was such an inspiration for amateur or professional bakers, but Stonehenge cakes are apparently pretty popular.

I found a cool looking Stonehenge-inspired cake, the other day,and a small in-depth search led me to an entire collection of mysterious treats.  Oh, the last one isn’t exactly sweet, but it’s bacon, so it definitely qualifies.  Take a look:


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Futurama-Inspired Brain Slug Cupcakes

You must be thinking I’m either crazy about brain, cupcakes, or both. Actually is the brain-cupcake combination that intrigues me. I can’t help it, I love brain cupcakes!

This time I found some crazy looking cupcakes made by Alicia Traveria, inspired by the popular TV show Futurama. The vanilla cupcakes are made from scratch, the green slugs from gum paste with royal icing eyes and the pink brains are buttercream icing with a slight grenadine flavor.

Alicia baked the Brain Slug Cupcakes for a friend’s birthday, but I’m sure any Futurama fan would pay serious cash for a chance to feast on these babies.


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Insect Candy – Crunchy Enough for You?

For over 25 years, California-based candy company HOTLIX has been creating weird sweets like chocolate-dipped-scorpions and bug lollipops. Think of it as a real-life Willy Wonka nightmare.

The first insect candy created by HOTLIX was a tequila-flavored lollipop with a worm inside it. This was back in 1982, but fast-forward to present day and HOTLIX insect sweets have spread worldwide and are more popular than ever. 70-year-old Larry Peterman was the man with the original idea of bug candy,and now he supervises the farm producing the insects needed to make these outrageous sweets.

Larry and his empolyees work hard at keeping the secret of his insect delicacies and so far they’ve stayed one step in front of the competition, despite several copying attempts. One thing they do reveal is the worms are fed things like apple and banana peal, as well as oatmeal.

If you’re wondering about the safety of eating chocolate-covered scorpions, you should know there’s no danger at all. Once dead, scorpions are no longer poisonous and their stinger is cut-off just in case. Bon appetit!




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Jana’s Fun Cakes Are Edible Masterpieces

Her name is Jana Danae Groller and her love for baking, challenges and giving to people creates true edible masterpieces.

With help from her husband Matt, Jana comes up with all kinds of cake concepts and together think up different ways of actually bringing them to life. Their collaborative work so far is pretty impressive, especially the Jesus Cake and the Elvis Cake. But according to Jana, this is only the beginning, so we can expect a lot more delicious artworks.

If you want an edible Elvis for yourself, you’ll be glad to know Jana takes orders. Just drop by Jana’s Fun Cakes and check out her work.

via UnusualLife


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Would You Like Some Canned Corn Smut?

A pest in the United States and pretty much everywhere else, Cuitlacoche, or Corn Smut, is considered a delicacy in Mexico.

Cuitlacoche is sold at a higher price than healthy corn and used to make tortillas. The diseases attacks the kernels, turning them into spore-filled tumors that apparently taste way better than healthy corn. The smut-infected corn is picked before it reaches maturity, so the kernels are still moist and taste sweet, savory, woody, and earthy.

After high-profile chefs and government officials tried to convince the American  people to stop regarding Cuitlacoche as a disease and start treating it like food, cans of Cuitlacoche found their way on to store shelves. But people are still reluctant to try it…I wonder why.


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Snail Eggs Are the New Caviar

Invented by a Frenchman who used to make a living fitting kitchens, Snail Caviar is France’s newest gastronomical sensation.

Dominique Pierru, the genius behind Snail Caviar, spent three years perfecting his invention, after abandoning his career as a kitchen fitter. He had to find a way to “convince” his 180,000 snails to lay a large enough quantity of eggs, then soften and condition them. It was a tough-enough task, but now his De Jaeger caviar is one of the most coveted treats in French restaurants.

After selling 200 kg of Snail Caviar in 2008, Pierru estimates he’ll ship 300 kg by the end of the year. And that’s not because it’s cheap, a 30 gram-jar sells for 39 euros, while the 50 gram-one has an 82 euros price tag.

Dominique and his wife decided to invent the bizarre delicacy after reaching the conclusion that traditional snail farming is not a viable business. Now they import snails from Eastern European countries and watch them lay eggs. How’s that for viable?

Snail Caviar is best served on toast or sage leaf, accompanied by a glass of champagne.

via Arbroath


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