Extreme Alpine Football Is Only Played on the Steepest Mountain Slopes

As the name suggests, alpine football is a variation of the world’s most popular competitive sport that is played on steep mountain slopes in order to make it more difficult.

Most competitive sports usually take place on level playing fields, but in the case of alpine football, one of the main conditions is that the pitch must be steep. It sounds downright impossible, but a group of football fans in the Austrian Alps claims that it’s the ultimate way to play their favorite sport. They came up with the idea for extreme alpine football during the 2014 World Cup, while watching a boring game and brainstorming for ways to spice it up a bit.

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Indian Man Has Not Bathed in 22 Years

A 62-year-old man from Bihar, India has been getting a lot of attention in his home country after it was revealed that he has not taken a bath in over two decades.

Dharamdev Ram is famous in his home village of Baikunthpur. Everybody knows that he hasn’t taken a bath or even a quick shower in 22 years, but nobody mocks him for it, on the contrary, he gets a lot of respect for his decision. That’s because the 62-year-old man vowed to shun bathing until violence against women, land disputes among men, and the killing of innocent animals stop. That has yet to happen, so Dharamdev continues to uphold his vow.

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Fired Construction Worker Uses Excavator to Destroy Luxury Homes

A disgruntled excavator operator who allegedly got fired by their employer recently took revenge by destroying several luxury homes in Ontario’s exclusive Muskoka Marina.

A 59-year-old man has been charged with mischief and slapped with a $5,000 fine after a viral video circulating online showed him using an excavator to severely damage several properties in Muskoka Marina, a popular summer retreat of the rich and famous in Ontario. Police officers who arrived on the scene just after 9 p.m. on July 21st discovered “significant damage” to the marina on Lake Rosseau in Muskoka Lakes Township, but no suspect. It was only after a video recorded by a local went viral on Twitter that the 59-year-old perpetrator was identified. He is now scheduled to appear in court and risks spending time behind bars.

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Court Orders Mistress to Pay $560,000 to Lover’s Wife

A Chinese court recently issued a controversial ruling, ordering a woman to pay 3.79 million yuan ($560,000) to her lover’s wife, because their relationship wasn’t recognized by law.

Scorned wives suing their husbands’ lovers isn’t unheard of. On the contrary, a quick Google search of the phrase “alienation of affection” reveals that it’s still quite a common practice, although this law tort was abolished in many jurisdictions around the world. But whereas that refers to one spouse suing a third party for damaging their marriage and usually leading to divorce, a recent case in China saw one wife sue her husband’s mistress to return all the material possessions he had given her during their affair. The court sided with the woman and ordered the mistress to pay a whopping 3.79 million yuan to her lover’s wife.

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